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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part XI
on: June 08, 2007 05:48
Wooo!! Hooo!!!! School's out for sindy!! Enjoy your well earned freedom!! :disco:
I bet you will enjoy jazzercise. I'm going 4-5 times a week, and LOVE it. Word of warning...I gained a little weight after several months at it. I've been told that my body has changed some of that fat into lean muscle, which weighs more. I can see where my body is alot firmer in places I had almost given up on. So don't let that little extra weight scare you.

I like the idea of Captain Jack and King Elessar coming together, HT.:heart::love: Do you think you could write me in there somewhere with them????

Enjoy your cleaning, Dimple. Since I've been out of school I've cleaned almost everything. I guess it's on towards painting projects and then it'll be time to clean again!!!

Have fun with your granddaughter, swabby. Try not to let her dress up your Aragorn action figure in Barbie clothes. That's just not right.
Be sure to take a little of your Metamucil before you go to the reunion.
Love to all,

Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part XI
on: June 08, 2007 06:28
MTMS,jazzercise sounds like so much fun. So is it exercise with music or dance or both? I went to see POTC3 yesterday and I was really disappointed. It was not what I expected. I am doing light housework now. I hope you get some rain soon.

Swabby what a collection of guitars . Class reunion huh. Well go and have a good time. I am glad you get to see your granddaughter. I know you don't get to see her often. We had severe thunderstorms today and we are under a tornado watch until 4 this afternoon. I did not get to walk this morning but maybe tonight.

Dimple before my surgery I loved sweets but not after I especially loved chocolate. It has been three weeks since my surgery. My taste for sweets may come back.But I have to lose weight so maybe that is a good thing.

Ht so you finally got to see your great-niece and of course she is gorgeous. There is nothing like holding a baby in your arms. Good luck on your writing.

Lady B I saw the LO TR movies first and then I read the book. I love the book so much more than the movies. I love the movies but for me the book is better. The white window that you type on has a preview post button and a post reply button. You hit the preview of course to check it out before you post. I always check my spelling first because after you review you can't check spelling. I hope that is helpful. You need to meet our Rose she is so great with computers. She has not posted in a while.

BTW Rose where are you luv? I miss you.

Sindy, you are going to be so busy. I wish I could do that with my digital camera myself. Maybe my husband will teach me this summer. You water exercising sounds like so much fun. I would love to see pictures of your garden.

Neenime did you get severe weather as forecasted? I hope not and we are suppose to get cooler weather from Canada today. Happy Friday.

[Edited on 8/6/2007 by awelyn418]
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part XI
on: June 08, 2007 01:17
Poking head in momentarily before running off to put final touches on handfasting dresses, etc. Oy... You'd think it would be an easy thing to coordinate, yes? No... Last minute one of the party calls to say hubby has gone psycho and won't let her go. Good thing I believe Mr. Murphy and his law. Had another robe all cut out and spent all day today sewing like a mad woman (no comments as I know I am one. ) to finish it up. Then to "fix" the bride's dress a bit after the final fitting. *sigh* Have to drive up to the mountains and will not be back until tomorrow evening. I need a vacation from my vacation. Urgh.. heh
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part XI
on: June 08, 2007 01:55
Awelyn: What disappointed you about Pirates?

Belle: Ah, yes. A vacation from your vacation. Been there, done that. Why wouldn't psycho husband let her go? And excuse me---LET her go? :angry:

Hugs to all.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part XI
on: June 09, 2007 03:34
Good morning folks. My son's girlfriend got caught by that computor failure and got stranded at the Dallas airport last night. She's supposed to get here about 12:30 today which will severely limit the time she'll get to spend with my grandaughter, Angela. They became big buddies the last time Angela visited and I know Jamie (son's girlfriend) will be disappointed if she doesn't get to see her. Cursed computors!

I'll try not to go off the reservation here, but I'd just like to vent a little bit about something that really bugs me. It's the *#*+ media. Who sits around and decides what is news-worthy and then spoon-feeds it to us like we're some kind of mindless potted plants? I'm just so disgusted about things like them showing Diana's last moments or the picture of Paris Hilton crying as she's being taken back to jail. I don't want to see that stuff! The 24 hour news channels like CNN, MSNBC, etc (I won't list Fox because I don't consider them to be a legitimate news organization) will drop all scheduled programing to show the airplane with landing gear problems circling the airport. Am I the only person on earth that does not want to see people in pain or an impending disaster? Is there something wrong with me if I don't want to see or know about people's dirty laundry? It seems to me that our entire television media has become a cheap tabloid.

Ok, Swabby feels better now. I got my long winter growth of hair cut off so I hopefully won't look like an old hermit when I go to the reunion this afternoon. I also trimmed my beard and will be sure to wear jeans with no holes, even though that seems to be fashionable now. I don't think I can manage a button-up shirt, though. I may wear one of my "nice" LotR t-shirts. I'll probably take some samples of my artwork to show them how far I've come since I got busted in Mrs Owen's English class with those nudie drawings. (I made the mistake of showing them to one guy, and before I knew it, he'd passed them all over the classroom, grrrr!) I expect there might be an awkward moment or two with my ex and I both there, since we were highschool sweethearts and some knew that we got married.
Well, it's time for me to go rustle up some breakfast. Have a great weekend, Y'all. Swabby
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part XI
on: June 09, 2007 05:33
Swabby I agree with you 100%. It drives me crazy. When Princess Diana died and I feel it was the fault of the paparazzi or however you spell it. I banned all tabloids from my house. My husband reads them like crazy but not in our house after the ban. Have fun at your reunion.

Hi Belle you busy woman. I know you told me about hand fasting before but I forgot. What is it?

Scots I know it drives me crazy to hear one of my mothers say I will have to ask my husband first. I agree with checking with schedules and especially if husband works nights. But to ask permission I want to shout you are a grown woman.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part XI
on: June 09, 2007 05:28
Jazzercise is a combination of music and exercise, with a few dance moves (revele,etc) and pilates thrown into the mix, awelyn. It frightens me that one day I'll be somewhere out in public and one of those songs we "move to" in jazzercise will be part of the selections heard and I'll "break out" into the jazzercise "routine".

Enjoy the handfasting ceremony, Belle. You were most kind hearted to make the outfits.

I totally agree about the media, swabby. I don't watch much tv and believe only half of what I read in the newspaper. I do take stock in the names listed in the obituary column, though.
I hope that you have a fabulous time at your reunion. Perhaps having your ex there will be a good thing.
I had a bit of "redneck fun" last night. Hubby and I met some friends at a local bar and grill. They talked us into going to the local VFW with them. Oh my! I shot some pool, danced by myself, with alot of other gals and with some folks I didn't even know! :disco: :cheers: I felt like calling you, swabby, to come and replace the two man band that was performing. You can definately sing better and have superior guitar skills. They used an "electronic" drum. Several of us ladies thought of taking the mic off the chubby sequened gal that was attempting to sing with the lone guitarist. She sort of croaked the words out. Who knew such entertainment was available in my neck of the woods!


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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part XI
on: June 10, 2007 04:20
I'm glad to see that there are others who don't appreciate the media's irresponsible behavior. I swear they must be trying to dumb us down to the intelligence level of bathroom mold.

Well, I survived the reunion. Why is it that our heads get rounder and rounder as we age? I didn't immediately recognize one of my very best high school chums because his head had gotten as round as a pumpkin. Could it be that our brains are trying to bust out of there? My ex stayed mostly on one side of the room and I stayed on the other, and there weren't any embarrassing moments. (Or none that I know of) There were a record 93 of us in my senior class, and about 25 showed up last night for the reunion. Someone said they reckoned about ten of us had expired, so that's not bad, I guess. (unless you're one of the ten) I suggested that we might consider having the reunion every two years instead of ten, and most agreed that was a good idea. Anyway, it was a rewarding experience and it was good to see faces that I hadn't seen since 1967. We posed for group pictures and I didn't mis-behave the way I did in my '67 band photo. Someone brought an annual to pass around, and in the group photo of the band, there I was, the only person in the whole picture that wasn't looking at the camera. I seem to remember I did that on purpose. Yeah, I was an upstart back then too.

Hanging out at the VFW, MT? I haven't been in one of those in over twenty years. I appreciate you saying I sing better that the sequined chubby girl. She must have been dreadful.

Yeah, Awelyn, some women are way too subservient to their men. The opposite can also be true, too. I think a healthy relationship is one in which both members respect the other's right to some independence and space. The key word here would be "trust" I think.

Have a great Sunday. Swabby
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part XI
on: June 10, 2007 11:21
Lady B – hold down the Alt key and keep holding it while you press the numbers. It’s for PC. Some computers will work if you use the number pad on the right, but not if you use the row across the top. Who knows? Maybe it’s a matter of how the computer or keyboard are configured.

Sindy –You go, girl! Weight loss can be disheartening but don’t ever give up. I have battled it for all my adult life, but about 3 years ago I really took it seriously. When it became a gift for me and not something I “should or must” do, I was able to do it on my terms. Between 30-35 pounds shed so far and still at it. We’re with you! :wave:

Awelyn Thanks for asking about the weather. Nothing terrible happened. It was dark and ominous for awhile … like “ the deep breath before the plunge”. All we had was some thunder and rain . Honestly, the most troubling things were the clouds and clouds of mosquitoes sitting right on the mesh of my “bug jacket” as I planted my flowers.

Swabby I am glad that you behaved yourself this time. I hope you enjoyed yourself. We wouldn’t have wanted you to go off and get arrested, because then we would have missed you yet again. :cry:
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part XI
on: June 10, 2007 12:37
Finally a moment to breathe... It's over and it went well despite all the glitches. Everyone looked beautiful, the weather was nice, the decorations lovely, the food delicious. Now I must go back to work tomorrow and I don't wanna! LOL...

Swabby, here's hoping things weren't too uncomfortable with your ex there at the reunion.

Awelyn - handfasting is a very old form of marriage. A couple pledges to live together for a year and a day. If at the end of this they wish to make it permanent, then it is done. If not, then they part ways without recrimination or hard feelings. This couple decided to make a go of it. It was a wonderful ceremony and experience for all concerned.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part XI
on: June 10, 2007 04:27
Am I the only person on earth that does not want to see people in pain or an impending disaster? Is there something wrong with me if I don't want to see or know about people's dirty laundry? It seems to me that our entire television media has become a cheap tabloid.

I second~~or whatever number we're on~~this sentiment. As for any news media...I am highly skeptical of their legitimacy. Unbiased reporting...yeah, right. :rolleyes:

Summer has arrived on the PoG. And just in time! My kitchen is finished. :disco: Well, the painting is done and all the doors are back on and it looks pretty good. All that remains to be done are the counter tops. That will be an early fall project as the spousal unit and I cannot decide what kind to put on. It depends on whether or not we want to pay cash or go into debt a bit. That I think will be the deciding factor. It *will* be done before October and Rose's and Mag's arrival.

The spousal unit and I took a walk around the PoG's university arboretum this afternoon. The trees were absolutely gorgeous. There were huge bald cypresses, cottonwoods, magnolias, oaks, you name it they had it. They have hidden benches that are just perfect to sit in and write about Middle Earth. Honestly, walking amongst some of the trees it felt like I was walking in Rivendell or Lothlorien. I was transported. I want to live in a place like that. *sigh* Someday.

Well, homework calls. I'm working on my last core class for my Master's degree this summer. Then I have 3 elective classes to take then I'll be done. Whoo! Hoo!! I'm hoping that I'll have it completed by next summer...or the very latest next fall. keeping my fingers crossed

Have a good week!
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part XI
on: June 11, 2007 02:45
Hi everybody! :wave: It was a fruitfull week-end in my garden. But it was soooo warm and humid, that sometimes it made me dizzy. Well it's the price to pay, when you're in love wth flowers!

swabby: I'm glad you enjoyed your reunion and that it wasn't so awkward with your ex. Not only the head, but the whole body is rounder. I don't even want to look at those pictures when I wasn't that round... :S Well I guess the most important thing is to be healthy (but looking good is not bad either! ) Did you have a nice day with your grand daughter? Sorry about those cursed computers! I know what you mean about "news hour". Usually, I listen 5 or ten minutes to know what is on and if there is not enough information I turn it off. I take a book or do something else. Can you honestly trust them? It's bugging me...

awelyn48: I think the reason that we like the books better than the movies is because we are "purists". In the movies, there are too many modifications. Sometimes, it doesn't even fit with the book... :nono: But we like them anyway. Women asking their husbands? Maybe it's a lack of confidence in themselves.

Belle: You must be a good seamstress to sew a bride's dress. I used to sew when my daughter was little, but children's clothes are so easy to do. Now it's all gardening, reading and not sewing. Enjoy the ceremony! I'm all for handfasting, maybe it could cause less bad feelings and awkward moments...

MT: It's good to get out of the ordinary sometimes. I'm sure your "redneck fun" was worth every little step of it.

scots: Wish I could have been there, all those trees and their perfume. Ahhhh!!!:love: Rivendell or Lothlorien? I'm sure I'll go there when I die. Oh no! In my case, it will probably be Hobbiton.:love: Good luck with your Master degree. What are you studying?

Have a good week everyone!
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part XI
on: June 11, 2007 03:37
*gallops by on the back of Fatty Lumpkin*

Hey merry dol!

This is just a reminder to everyone that in the UK this coming Saturday is National Badger Day.

I am a Yank, so I will not be on the native soil of my ancestors, but I will be celebrating with them in spirit. I hope that you all will take a moment to honor these creatures that obviously meant something to the man whose works we all love and cherish.

Donate to the Badger Trust

*gallops over the hillside*

Old Tom Bombadil is merry fellow;
Bright blue his jacket is, and his boots are yellow!
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part XI
on: June 11, 2007 04:36
*Glides in on the receding shadow of OTB and Fatty Lumpkin .... lands with a thud.... ouch! Folds wings and waddles into the FoF room*

Hi awelyn, I'm here, just don't have much to write about nowadays, or time for some strange reason. Thanks for missing me. :hug:

Had a great time in Cairo, unfortunately seem to have been taken with the Pharoah's Revenge. Easy way to lose weight.

Hope everyone is well or thereabouts. Hi to new people.

FYI Dimple and LadyB, I'm 61, a Secretary living in Manchester in the UK, two kids, a partner and two cats.

Thanks for the info OTB. I can badger the hind legs of a donkey, given the time. Lol!! *cough* sorry. I love badgers. They are so gritty and determined. They also remind me of grumpy old men somehow.

Well, better be off again. *Waves a wing, hits a thermal and disappears to the Misty Mountain ..... 'Hope Smaug has put the kettle on the fire'*

Rose xx
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part XI
on: June 11, 2007 06:20
Hi to all and a belated but warm welcome to Dimple and Lady B. It feels so great to be back home although my body seems to be out of sorts as far as sleeping schedules and all...getting over that jet lag.

Had a wonderful visit with my daughter, son-in-law and grandson #2. My grandson had a short bout of pneumonia when I first arrived. He recovered fast. Enjoyed some extra time with him as he was restricted to the house. We played board games and then some air hockey and others as his energy returned. He would also come over in the middle of the night and crawl in bed with Grandma. So precious...can get away with those things being a Granny where I never let that get started with my own kids.

One hilarious moment: We were all sitting around one evening and my daughter was giving their dog some attention. The dog put her nose down my daughter's blouse and my grandson blurted out, "Did she put her nose between your two melons?" We all just roared and wondered where he learned that phrase! Gotta love kids and how they can sure surprise you with what comes out of their mouths.

Lots of posts to catch up on...skimmed through them and hopefully didn't miss anything.

I so agree with you about the media coverage, Swabby. To have coverage of Paris right along with the world news is just wrong. It drives me crazy how they go on and on about those things. I don't watch much TV but can hear lots of it once hubby is home. Unbelievable what they consider newsworthy. Just give me SciFi and a good dose of Middle Earth. Glad you survived your reunion. Had to laugh at thought of faces getting rounder...perhaps they never got in touch with their inner ranger?

MT, sounds like you had a fun time and a memorable experience with the rednecks. Have not given up house hunting...took a break while at my daughters but need to start looking again. Ara-baby survived while I was away. Of course I gave him lots of kisses beforehand and kept him in a separate room away from hubby.

Well lots to do here so best get moving. I missed you all. Hello also to Awelyn, Neenime, Sindy, HT, Sindy, Brandy, Scots, Rose, Morwin, Randi, Cirdaneth, Celebrian, Magoleth, Balrog, Tom, Virtuelle and anyone else I failed to mention. Have a wonderful week! :love::heart: :hug:
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part XI
on: June 11, 2007 06:43
I behave myself most of the time, Neenime. It is when the little devil and the angel trades places on different shoulders that I act up. I've tried everything from duct tape to super glue to make the little rascals stay put but they still get loose and fool old Swabby from time to time.

I'll have to agree that the whole body gets round with age, Dimple. At least mine certainly has. The trim and fit figure of my youth is but a distant memory. Now my chin has a chin and I've got wrinkles in places where I used to not have places. I'm not going to complain though, just as long as I can get out of bed each day, dress myself and spend most of the day in a verticle position. It's that perpetual horizontal position I want to really avoid.

Congratulations to you Belle, and thanks for your concerns about me and the ex. That was the most time I've spent around her since 1977 and I think I could wait another thirty years before doing it again.

We're getting a new privacy fence put in today. They were supposed to have done it about six weeks ago but claimed that the rain set them back.

Hmmm, I wonder what a Gondorian Kilt would look like? What kind of material? What designs would it have? Don't y'all think that if the Lord of the Rings is ever shot again that all the males should wear kilts? (Except Gimli and Gandalf, of course)

Happy Monday! Swabby

Oops! We posted at the same time Mith. It's great to have you back. Now don't you be running off any more! (please?)

[Edited on 11/6/2007 by swabbythewhite]
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part XI
on: June 11, 2007 07:41
How wonderful for you to be so close to that Master's degree, scots. I admire you. I can't seem to find the time to complete the work I started towards that goal long ago.
My son's wedding is to be held at an arborteum designed by an architect from Mississippi State University, where he and his fiancee graduated. It's a beautiful place and I know the wedding will have an "elvish" feel to it, at least for me. Let's pray that it doesn't rain and not even think about hurricanes! :nono:

Congrats on your continued weight loss, neenime. For me, maintence is the hardest. I've been trying to drop 5 lbs., but just can't seem to let this last little bit let go!

I saw Pirates 3 this weekend, awelyn and I enjoyed it alot. Gave me a thrill seeing a woman fighting with a sword!! We FINALLY got some rain, and some hail to go along with it. Need a bit more...rain, that is, not hail or the lightening and winds.

I think that we are fated to "round up" as we age, Dimple. Knowing that helps, at times. Cousin and I were musing while we sat on the beach last summer and watched the cute, young girls walk by. Thinking of what we looked like waaaay back then, we weren't too bad ourselves. We were even cute!! And we didn't think so then! What a shame! Hey, maybe we're cute now and don't know it. When we're 85 we'll be looking of pics of us now, saying how cute we were then.

Thanks for reminding us of this important holiday, Tom. Exactly what can one do to celebrate???

Glad that you enjoyed Cairo, rose. Did you enter "forbidden places" and put the Pharoah's curse on yourself? That's one curse I want to avoid at all costs!

I know that Ara-baby is glad that you are back, mith, and I am as well. It's so good to spend time with beloved grandchildren!:heart: Can't wait to see my 3.
Good luck in house hunting. I'm praying that you'll find just what you want/need and it will be relatively close to me!

I quite like the idea of kilts, swabby. I think that the Gondorian plaid should have blue (for the Anduin river),white (for the White Tree) and green (for the mountains) in it.
The plaid of Rohan contains red, black and white. The Lothlorien plaid contains greens and browns.
Besides Gandalf, (Gimli is okay with me), Treebeard should also NOT wear a kilt! :nono:

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part XI
on: June 11, 2007 08:15
Hello again,
This morning after talking to you, I had a conversation with my 19 year old daughter about people on this forum and how much they were interesting, spntaneous, creative, insightful, have good jobs and loving it. I was telling her about my concerns: being dull and boring. You see, I'm just me, Dimple, who likes ordinary and simple things, like gardening, reading, walking in the woods with my big dog, Bruno, enjoying all the wonderful things nature has to offer. I don't work and sometimes I feel that I'm missing out on something. I used to write poetry and short novels, but it was almost 30 years ago. I enjoy music, but don't listen to it as often as I would like. When and why did I stop to do all those things? I suppose when we get older we become too "routinely normal", putting asdie pleasurale and spntaneous moments for more important day to day things to do. Well, I realized that not being spontaneous and creative not sharing ideas are a sign of getting old. And I don't want to. I want to stay young in spirit and in life. So here I am with you all and I'm so happy I joined in. You spice up my everyday life. Thank you. This was not a compalint, but simplu sharing my feelings with you and I hope you didn't mind.
An ordinary Hobbit
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part XI
on: June 11, 2007 08:25
Hi everyone, especially Old Tom we have missed you.


If you wrote all these years ago you should try it again. I write loads of fan fiction these days but hardly post any of it - but that isn't the point it gives me immense pleasure just to see what I can come up with. I have also written a few poems I too used to do this and have come back to it.

Weather here today has been hot and muggy - that is for Edinburgh - I imagine some of you would find it quite cool.

Take care my friends

Love and hugs

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part XI
on: June 11, 2007 08:39
Greetings, all. Happy I am to be reading all your interesting posts.

Swabby- I so agree with your concerns about the media. I am sick to death of their pandering to the "bread and circuses" mentality while ignoring both the good news in our world and dumbing down the real issues. It's why I no longer watch the Idol shows until the real talent has been selected. I am tired of the way the producers focus on humiliating the less talented contestants. Harrumph!

Belle I am glad that the hand-fasting went well and i hope you will now get a well-deserved rest. Looking forward to photos.

Scots do ever sit still, Lass? My oh my, if you're not hammering at the cupboards, then you're hammering down on the books. What a Renaissance Woman. I hope you are enjoying the lovely new kitchen and dreaming of the counter-tops.

The visions of ME in the arboretum remind me of my own forays into that realm, in our university's arboretum or in the "bush" (Americans and others call it "the woods") across from my home.

Rose! There you are! Oh, and there you go again.......... :wave:

We had some sad news on the home front this weekend. My mother's sister passed away somewhat unexpectedly. She was 82 and had some health problems, but ironically, had just come back from a good check-up (relatively speaking) with the doctor. We just don't know when our number is up.shakes head Now if we can get through the funeral with a minimum of family nonsense. Small chance of that with the daughter being a regular "Dragon Lady" (and NOT in the nice way that our own Rose is). Ah well, may Auntie Mary rest in peace. She had a hard life and it took a lot of the Life out of her.

Cuio mae. (Live well)
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part XI
on: June 11, 2007 10:18
Hi All,

I've survived my first jazzercise class. It was a body sculpt class which means it was weight training and these ladies are serious (Sindy stops to eat two Tylenol).

DH and I have seen Spiderman, POTC 3, and Mr. Brooks lately. By far Mr. Brooks was the best written and wittiest. (The main character is a serial killer who also happens to be a successful businessman and loving father.)

Two weeks after graduation our niece has manged to destroy her car. She was "scratching her leg" (Teenagese for changing the CD player, talking on the cell, and who knows what else). She ran into a tree in her neighborhood (DH says it must have been an Ent to jump so far into the street.) Needless to say, she is fine, but is terrified because she has to go to traffic court.

Swabby, you're singing my song about the media coverage of unimportant events. Why does the nightly news equate a spolied, rich brat getting a sentence for drunk driving to seven soldiers killed in Iraq or the space shuttle heading toward the space station? DH and I get so disgusted we routinely switch over to PBS for the news or sometimes even the BBC. (I love hearing another country's take on some of the STUPID things we Americans get caught up in. )

Watched ROTK on Sunday evening. DH's suggestion. We had watched FOTR and TTT awhile ago when it was running on cable.

I think I should get some exercise credit for dragging the sprinkler around the yard...it's crispy here and the forecast is for sunny all week and 90's. The worms are getting toasted---at least the birds get a hot meal.

Well, should go off and start dinner. It is summer and I'm pretending to be a cook---teryaki pineapple chicken (it's marinating in a ziploc) and mixed veggies. I think I'm going to try the chicken on the grill.

SindyE Nad dithen carnen an gwend.
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part XI
on: June 11, 2007 01:30
Sindy, thank goodness your niece is okay. I remember when I first started driving. I could not turn the radio on I kept both hand on the wheel at all times. I am glad your first exercise class went well. Your chicken sounds yummy.

Neenime I am sorry about your Aunt .

Hello HT,and here is a hug for you. :hug:

Dimple your life does not seem boring to me. It sounds very contented. I am a Hobbit too. I agree with you about the books.

MTMS I am so glad you finally got some rain. We got showers today but it stopped. I was glad because my husband is building a deck onto our house.

Swabby as I age the thing I hate to look at is the dreaded driver's license photo. No matter what I do I still say that does not look like me. Who is that woman? Good luck with your fence.

Oh Mith I missed you. I am so glad you are back and I am so glad you had a great time. Yes, kids do say the darnedest things. Your grandkids sound precious.

Well, hello Rose I will give you a quick wave as you fly by

:heart: :wave: I have missed you .

No where is Jess and Calle?

Old_Tom_ Bombadil how good it is to read your post. The Badger is such a pretty animal and very interesting too. So good to hear from you. :cheers: to the Badger.

Scots good for you. You are such a motivated woman. The arboretum sounded just beautiful and very peaceful.

Belle thank you for telling me what a hand fasting is and I vaguely remembered after I read your post.

Hi to Mag and Balrog and Cat ,
who still does not have a computer hook-up and Brandy and if I missed anyone else please forgive me. Have a great night.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part XI
on: June 11, 2007 07:03
Hi everyone.

Just got chased into this forum by the orcs. They told me to visit my FoF friends and I agreed.

I have been quit busy lately. Working as a Gas Bar Attendant is grilling work. But I love it. I meet all kinds of people from around the world. Even met a couple from Wales. You never know who just might show up in my neck of the woods.

The time off I have, I've been doing my writing. Got writer's block for 10 days so I sat at work on my lunch hour and looked at my book for 5 minutes and the next thing you know I wrote 3 pages. :disco: :disco: No more writer's block. Tonight I sat at the computer and wrote another 8 pages. Man when I get on a roll I seem to block out the rest of the world.

Dimple: I agree with HT. You should get back into writing. Even if your putting your thoughts down on paper or computer. I write fan fiction on two sites and I've never done that before. I was never a writer but when I read a story on one of the sites, I thought to myself that "I can do that". I started with a thought and it has become a 188 page story so far. I'm a big LOTR geek. I think I started to write because spring was in the air and my love for Tolkien came out. He is a great Man

Dimple: I am single, 45, have two grown children and my life couldn't be any better. If I had one wish it would be to live in Middle Earth with the Elves. I am an elf but the size of a hobbit.

Sorry about your Aunt neemine. Your family is in my prayers.

Nice to hear from OTB.

Swabbythewhite: I like this new person. He is greater than before. It's amazing what we do in life that changes things from our past (about you spending time with your ex).

Rose: Nice to see you again. I think I need a hotseat from your dragon. Speaking of dragons, mine fell off the TV today and has a broken toe.:cry::cry: I will send him to the wizard to get fixed (glue).

Well I should go. My reading on some sites has been neglected.

Talk to you all later.

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part XI
on: June 12, 2007 01:07
Just popped in to say hello - for some reason, I haven't in general been in a posting mood lately. Maybe it is that it's summer, and there's so much else to do?

Dimple, don't worry - if you are dull and boring, then are the rest of us as well! We're a bunch of ordinary people, just very special in our love for Tolkien's works.

Neenime, I'm sorry about your aunt.

Sindy, thank goodness your niece didn't get hurt.

Balrog, it's great that you've found a job that you love!

:hug: to everybody, and have a good week!
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part XI
on: June 12, 2007 02:11
Thanks to HT, AWELYN,MORWIN and BALROG for the good words It's appreciatedAnd Balrog I agree with you about Tolkien, to me he is more than a great man! I like his philosophy and the way he thinks about life

Neenime Sorry about your auntMy mother is 96: and I hope she will be with us for many years to come.She is in fairly good health

Sindy That's hard work your exercises but I'm sure you enjoyed it all!Hope your niece won't be too nervous to drive.Lucky she is not hurt!

Have a good day everyone. Sunshine is calling

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part XI
on: June 12, 2007 02:23
You have some great ideas about Gondorian kilts, MT. It's almost as if you had spent a good deal of time envisioning them.

I'm sorry to hear about your aunt Mary too, Neenime. I hope the funeral isn't too trying an ordeal.

I find your posts to be very interesting Dimple, and you should feel free to post all you want. There's no one else like you in the world or on this site, so please share your thoughts with us and we will gladly listen. We all have a common kinship here and it doesn't matter if you're hobbit-like or of elven kind, you will be precious to us.

How did that teryaki-pineapple chicken turn out, Sindy? It sounds a lot like something I used to make called "Hawaiian chicken" Anyway, I love the sweet/salty taste of teryaki. We were exposed to Philipine culture a lot in the Navy, and one of the foods that everyone liked was either chicken or pork marinated in a special marinade and cooked on the grill. The chicken was usually on the bone, but the pork was usually kabobs on a skewer. Here's how you make the marinade; one bottle of beer. one bottle of 7-up. 3 or 4 garlic cloves, crushed. one cup of soy sauce. This makes a lot of marinade, so you can cut the recipe in half or whatever. It's best to marinade your pork or chicken in this mixture (in the fridge, of course) at least overnight, but you can let it go for a couple of days if you like. All us sailors were nuts about it!
Oh, and I'm sorry to hear about your niece's little accident. Hopefully she'll be a better driver because of it.

It's good to hear from you again, balrog. Aren't your heat and flames a wee bit dangerous at a gas station? Only kidding of course! I'm glad you're doing something where you get to meet a lot of different kinds of people. I just hope they're all polite and easy to deal with. I was never too great at dealing with the public myself.

I know what you mean about that DL picture, Awelyn. The mirror is the thing that most often gives me a shock, though. Oh well, it's only life as it is supposed to be. This is only one part of the journey, and one we all must take. I trully do believe that.

I hope you take full advantage of that summer weather, Morwin! Try not to get a sun burn.

Have a great Tuesday, all. Swabby
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part XI
on: June 12, 2007 07:34
You have some great ideas about Gondorian kilts, MT. It's almost as if you had spent a good deal of time envisioning them.

Yes, I have, my friend, yes I have! :heart: :drool: :love: :naughty:
Thanks for sharing your recipe for "Hawiian chicken." Guess that I could drink half of that beer that I'm not putting into the "half-ed" version. :cheers:

That bit of beer might cool me off a little. I's VERY hot here, HT. Hot enough for a ranger to strip down to his sword!:evil: The thermometer read 98, but the heat index made it feel like 101 (F).

You are lucky to be able to meet so many interesting people from all over, balrog.

Congrats on your first jazzercise class, sindy. How often will you be going?
I like the way that your hubby thinks. How long did it take you to train him that way???
I'm so glad that the car wreck wasn't worse. Several local teenagers have been killed from "scratching their leg"whild driving. It makes me very sad.

My sympathy for the loss of your aunt, neenime. :hug: May her spirit be at peace.

I am so glad that you are here, Dimple. Please don't feel that your life is boring. I believe that simple life is good for the soul. My gardening is being done vicariously through you. (It's tooooo hot down here!)

DL pictures can be a curse, awelyn, as can passport photos. :twitch: I've seen the customs officials look at my passport pic twice. Perhaps they had to be sure that pic was a "representation" of me, and not someone else. Let's HOPE I don't look that bad!

MT wanders off looking for a ranger, cooling himself on a horribly hot day!

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part XI
on: June 12, 2007 11:47
Well, I’m back from my weekend, but I’m not going to talk about that tonight. I’m exhausted, but I just wanted to catch up with the posts if possible.
why wouldn't psycho husband let her go? And excuse me---LET her go?
Quite! My thoughts precisely, Scots. This is the 21st century after all.

Swabby I’m glad you survived your reunion. OTB. We’ve loads of badgers where I live, and there would be more except that they have no road-sense and wander about on the A6.

I’m with sindi, swabby and co on the utter drivel that passes for news these days.I cancelled my newspaper after Calar died and get what I need from the BBC on my Google Desktop. I have no TV.

Well Rose! I think you were right about summer. Things to do, people to see and all that … not to mention trips to see the pyramids. Glad to see you anyway. Ooops … now where’s she gone?

Sindi, I’m just so glad your niece was not badly injured. Neenime, I’m sorry about your aunt. Aunties are very special people.

Dimple: Everyone has a tale to tell, so don’t think that not having a job makes you lazy or uninteresting.

I’ll post something about my weekend tomorrow, Love and hugs to everyone I’ve missed.
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part XI
on: June 12, 2007 03:19
cirdaneth,I am looking forward to hearing about your weekend.Glad you are back.

MTMS that is hot. I hope you find a pleasant way to cool off. I don't have a passport and my sisters can't believe I don't they shake their heads at me.

Swabby I am going to share that recipe with my husband. I think I would like that and you grill it right? I hope you had a good day.

I hope you had a good day Dimple. Tell me what do you have in your garden?

Morwin you have a good week too.

Balrog, it is so important to have a job that you like. I think it is great that you meet interesting people too. That is just a added bonus of your job. Good luck with the writing.

I just got back from my walk. I just have to make myself walk. It is still painful on one side. I walked around the pool and then walked by my house. Tomorrow will be 4 weeks since my surgery. I thought I would be all better by now.

Have a great night.

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part XI
on: June 12, 2007 04:19
Awelyn: Having had some *major* surgery 5 years ago, the voice of experience tells you to give yourself time. The body takes its own sweet time when it comes to healing. It's not that you're doing anything wrong, it just takes time. All will be well, *sending healing waves your way*

Balrog: I am so pleased to hear that you are enjoying your new job. Isn't it a wonderful feeling when you've found the place you're meant to be in?

Cirdaneth: I second the feeling of being anxious to hear about your weekend.

MT: Wow, Girl, it's hotter than stink in your neck of the woods! Here I was whining about it here on the PoG today. I will zip my mouth shut and slap a hand over it. But you know, those visions of rangers' sweaty bodies slipping into just their swords... :naughty: :evil: :naughty: :evil: I wonder if I could get my personal ranger to do that for me? Hmmmmmmm

Well, homework calls. All the data we collected for the Master's project is analyzed...it's amazing what you can make numbers do. Now I know how the big whigs show how they "don't" make money. But from what was shown, I guess I didn't need to beat myself up quite so much last year. The kids learned and made progress. That's the whole point.

Keep cool, all.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part XI
on: June 13, 2007 07:28
HI everyone. Nice to hear from OTB, Morwin and Balrog!

Sindy I admire your energy. Jazzercise would take a lot of it. The nice thing about dancing is that it never feels like exercise, so there's probably less of the "Isn't this over yet?" mentality.

Careful MTMS , don't melt on us. And those Ranger fantasies are dangerous.............*mind wanders into terribly interesting territory......., :drool:.

Ahhhh, summer. The season of easy cooking and salads as main courses. Looking forward to a Father's Day BBQ at my unlce's place on Sunday.

Awelyn I'm glad that you're moving about. Just don't overdo it. Surgery is major trauma to the body and it WILL take some time to heal.

Ahhhhhhhh - listening to TTTsoundtrack as I work (or at least create a reasonable facsimile of "work".

Thanks for all the condolences. We're doing fine so far, but it's been a busy week and the reality of it won't hit until we see her at the prayers tomorrow.

Silo Anor bo ben lin (May the Sun shine upon our road)
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part XI
on: June 14, 2007 02:07
Good morning!
I'm in a very good mood since wednesday.When I get up in the morning I always come to my pc and read tou all.Well I must say Swabby,Mt,and Cirnadeth that you are sweet and tender like the cookies I baked yesterday.Thanks for the good words. I think I'm in heaven let's be foolish, let's be crazy,let's have a beer!

SWABBY, can your receipe be done in an oven too?

AWELYN,sorry that's still painfullbut I'm afraid it is the price to pay to get well.Be consistent with your walking and in time the pain will be just a memory,I hope
I have all kind of flowers in my garden most of it perennials,hostas and ferns,viola and lysimachia, malva mochata lupins hydrangeas,ajuga, rudbekies,and also a lot of wild flowers and lilacs I'm very fond of my garden:love:

SCOTS56,send your vision of a sweaty ranger down this way.Ill need him to water my plants while I'm looking at him!

NEENIME, have a nice Father's day BBQ. Hope the weather will be nice, Have fun

Have a nice day everyone,
Bonne journée ,bisous,bisous:heart:
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part XI
on: June 14, 2007 04:26
Dimple your garden sounds so pretty. I like to garden but I have not been able to yet but I am going to plant some plants and flowers in a couple of planters. One is a big basket and the other is a wood bench with planters at the ends of the bench. Glad you are in a good mood today.

Don't worry I will not overdue it Neenime. I do like the walking I just walk at such a slow pace now.

Scots, thank you and Neenime for your words of encouragement. I know those things but get into a hurry to be well. You have made me feel better.

I walked in the pool last night. It was great. Today is suppose to be hot . My husband is almost finished with our deck. We sit out at night and watch fireflies or some people call them lightening bugs. Fireflies are little bugs that have lights on their tails that flicker on and off. My son lives in Washington state and they do not have them. I love them. They are so pretty at night.
Have a good day everyone.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part XI
on: June 14, 2007 04:52
I am sorry to hear that you are still in pain, awelyn. I pray that you will continue to heal and will soon be comfortable so that you can enjoy your summer.

Ranger fantasies are good for you (and sometimes for your hubby,too) aren't they, scots? Did your ranger ever make it down to "sword only" level???

Speaking of rangers, (I seem to do that quite a bit), I took Ara-baby to jazzercise yesterday. He created quite a stir amongst the group, though they all agreed that he could return any time. I think he enjoyed himself, especially when we did the shimmy, hip moves and pelvic thrusts. Perhaps I'd best keep MY ara-baby from talking to yours, mith. You might be having to do a one-woman "show" for entertainment. :disco:

I think that you should consider finding your own "Ara-baby", sindy. Having your own Aragorn is alot of fun in oh, so many ways!!!

I watched Oprah yesterday and learned how to unleash my inner "sex-pot". Actually, she was hiding just under the surface! I found that the "movements" involved (walking, dancing) came easily and felt right. It was stated that the dancer doesn't think of sex, but of celebrating the wonder and power of her body. Made me think of you, neenime. Who knows, I may end up installing a pole in my middle earth room. Ara-baby won't mind, I'm sure.:evil:

Here's the site where my son and his fiancee will be married in October. It's the Pinecote pavillion at the CrosbyArboretum in Picayune, MS :www.crosbyArboretum.msstate.edu. Click on the Pinecote pavillion. I'm sure that Treebeard, Galadriel and even Sam would feel at home there.

As I was checking out the local bakeries in Picayune, I found a groom's cake that you might find interesting, sam. No, it wasn't a naval vessel or a car, but a guitar! My son might like that one, as he's a new owner of a Fender Stratocaster (his second).


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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part XI
on: June 14, 2007 08:25
Hi everyone

Did you all see Rivka's message about contributions?

I would like to contribute but am not entirely happy with pay pal and sending a bankers' draft would cost more than the contribution. I would be happy though to send a cheque to someone here in the UK and if a few of us over here sent a block contribution it would be worthwhile getting a bankers draft. Comments anyone?

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