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Post RE: Fans Over Forty ~ Part VII
on: August 04, 2006 07:07
Awelyn What type hunting does your husband do? Deer?? I have never hunted..either with a gun (except for snakes!) or bow..tho I keep threatening to use our billy goat for target practice!!.. sucker is MEAN!! A 35 lb. bow is not strong enough for hunting..tho I have a 45 lb. bow that I occasionally use..It is functional..tho not nearly as beautiful as the Lothlorien bow..
Vicarcat..you study Sindarin also??" how far along in the lessons are you?
( If you find any of those rangers in kilts..*or Elves either!*) let me know!! :drool: lol
Calle :blush: thank you for the kind words..Cass and I had a wonderful time..hope you have loads of fun at the festival..
Swabby thank you also..for the kind words..pigtails!!?? Nope..just one braid..I sometimes wear my hair loose..but at 10,000 feet above sea-level..and on top of Mt. Sandia..didn't want to be blinded by loose wind-blown hair..and possibly loose my balance! lol
In the other pics I DO have my hair "loose and flowing" hehe
In the members photos at WotR on page 6..you can see me standing in front of a tree at "Wilderland" *can also see my Silver Wolf.*
Awelyn *hugs* you said your son will not live much past 50?? awww!! What's wrong with him..if you don't mind me asking? (If you'd rather not discuss it..that's ok, too) *hugs Awelyn again*
There is a wonderful Elvish course right here at CoE..for both Sindarin and Quenya..I am starting over on the Sindarin soon..come check it out..
HeriTavaril.. roflmao I love your little story!! hehe my education is an ongoing process..(just learned what the word "slash" means!)
Neenime "kiltophile"is indeed a grand new word..and I suppose that it describes many of us here..huh?? lol
Old Tom Bombadil *bows to Tom* nice to meet you too, Tom. and I thank you for the warm welcome.. I've heard some good things about you already!! you and Swabby both are VERY courageous men..two men among all the ladies here!!
I've seen some of those Sequois, georgeous trees aren't they?? Are you sure that you were not ..maybe..closer to Lothlorien than Rivendell?? lol Which ever location you were closer to..I'm afraid that I would have been tempted to try to find it...
Mith..hang in there..mellon nin..(my friend) will be praying that things work out for your sis..*hugs*
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Post RE: Fans Over Forty ~ Part VII
on: August 04, 2006 08:04
Old Tom Bombadil *bows to Tom* nice to meet you too, Tom. and I thank you for the warm welcome.. I've heard some good things about you already!! you and Swabby both are VERY courageous men..two men among all the ladies here!!
I've seen some of those Sequois, georgeous trees aren't they?? Are you sure that you were not ..maybe..closer to Lothlorien than Rivendell?? lol Which ever location you were closer to..I'm afraid that I would have been tempted to try to find it...

*Bows and doffs his hat* The pleasure is all mine, fair lady.

And thank you for calling me "Tom". Many of the regulars refer to me as OTB, but I actually prefer my Bucklandish name.

The Stanislaus National Forest is definitely more Rivendellish than Lothlorien-like. In fact, I have a sneaking suspicion that Rivendell may be located in nearby Yosemite National Park.

The Sequoias are simply astounding. I can see where Sequoias might cause you to think of the mallorns of Lothlorien because of their size, but in color and appearance they look nothing like the mallorns, which have silver bark and golden leaves.
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Post RE: Fans Over Forty ~ Part VII
on: August 04, 2006 10:25
Well... I don't think it is quite Rivendell but I've hear tales of folks
going to an Elven enclave on Mt. Shasta...
And I intend to check it out when I have travel funds.

For now it is just prayers and finishing projects with occasional
walks to stretch the legs...
I see that Rose updated her miles so I'm like 90 miles behind
her again!

I keep seeing Elves around Portland but until I get a house I
don't have the rooms to entertain them...
Oh that doesn't include the Faded Elves that I can't quite see... :blush:
One of which just pulled my earring off of my right ear to remind
me he is present and accounted for! :naughty:
I call him Leggy because he looks like Legolas...:blush:
His actual name is close to Tesarie and means Willow, but I can't
spell it or pronounce it right... as it seems to lay between Quenya
and Sindarin.. I suppose it is Noldorin but where can I learn that?
So he is Leggy or Tessy depending on my mood and his mischeif.
Don't ask why I haven't sent him off...
I mean me send an Elf away? :angel: Why?
OK, so he moves my keys sometimes and papers to but he always
returns them. He is good to Minky the cat.
And he is not half as vain as Puck!
Oh and Silverleaf would want to know where I sent him...
And the last thing I need is 190 lbs of angry Elf wanting to know
where I sent his kin... faded or no kin are kin.
And I have no idea why some Elves fade and others do not...
I intend to ask God about that when I get to Heaven...

Sigh, working with Seelie Court Elves is not all it is cracked up to be.

I still want to put all the Homeless into housing....

I think if we can afford to go to war then we can afford to cut checks
to put people in apartments.
I mean $160 billion would go far in rent payments especially if it is
only $500 a month for two people and a pet.
that would be 2000 x 500... hmmm... $12,000,000 for all the
homeless in Portland per anum[per year]...
With the full $160 B we could do 6 cities with 4000 homeless each
for a year.
It has gotta be less expensive then the court costs for transiency and
would empty a lot of jail beds... and fill up 1000 vacant apartments
in each city!
Hmm add $200 a month in foodstamps to that $500 for rent and a
couple might actually survive on it, providing utilities and phone are
included in the rent!
Oh do I sound like a mother hen planning for her chicks or what?!?
Sigh I am dreaming again...

Hope everything turns out for the best! :love:
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Post RE: Fans Over Forty ~ Part VII
on: August 05, 2006 04:41
I don't think I've ever been around faded people before, Vicarcat. Maybe in dreams. That is A very interesting world you have there in Portland. I agree with you about the poor and homeless and how we as A nation, with our tremendous resources, could do so much more good than we do. I must be careful here. I have had some online conversations with folks that are so cold-hearted and disdainful of the poor that it made me feel dirty just speaking with them.

Hello Tom, it's nice to hear from you again. I've been to that beautiful part of California you spoke of and have seen the giant Sequaoias. There are lots of vast, thick forests here in Arkansas that resemble Fangorn. Perhaps Middle Earth is not confined to one geographical area since we seem to find pieces of it everywhere. I'm going to go out on A limb by saying this, but I think Middle Earth may just be inside of us.

So other hunks like Hugh Jackman and Clive Owen aren't even in the running? Their thick, hairy legs and firm buttocks protruding from A kilt are completely eclipsed by the V-man, is that what I'm to believe? So be it, then.

On this earth, no kilted man
of impressive girth shall withstand
the hairy bum of Viggo-man
or his two beams on which he stands

That "Bilge water Bob's tavern" sounds like my kind of place MT. I would be most happy for you to join me and my foul-mouthed parrot in A few little numbers. Do you know that old sailor song "Barnicles, sea urchins and critters that stings, these are A few of me favorite things"?

I was most pleased this morning when A certain very close male relative called to see what I was doing today, and wanted to know if he could come over about noon. He's never done that before, so I'd better get to the grocery store.

Have A great weekend, all my good friends! Swabby

Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans Over Forty ~ Part VII
on: August 05, 2006 05:17
Well,OTB this regular will refer to you as Tom from now on okay
I agree with you I could not have had my picture taken on what was such a magnificent tree. What a shame!

Randi, he hunts deer and turkey. We use to have goats when I was a little girl and remember my mom saying the billy goat could be mean.
My son has a genetic condition called Alpha 1 anti-trypsin deficiency. His father and I are carriers.It has destroyed some portions of his lungs and he has emphysema. The doctor said his lungs look like a 70 year olds lungs. My oldest daughter has it to but because she never smoked the lung specialist said she should live to be an elderly lady. My youngest daughter is a carrier. You can look up the disease at the Alpha 1 website.

MTMS, I knew you would say something about A being in HT 's story. You always say the right thing to make me feel better. Thank you.

Mith ,just two weeks and you will be a gypsy again. I hope you get to do the things you want to do before your travels start again. What a read for you. I am still finishing reading LOTR I am on ROTK I will read it aloud sometimes but will start sobbing and have to read to myself after wiping away the tears. I am reading slowly because I am almost finished and I love it so I doll out portions for me to read.

Vicarcat, I hope something works out so you can help the homeless in your area.

I had a scare yesterday. My little Shiih Tzu almost died. I tried a cheaper flea preventative on her called Zodiac and it almost killed her. I had to take her to the vet and he gave her a shot . I had given her a bath before I took her the vet and that helped in saving her life. She is still not out of the woods yet. This product has killed many pets. I researched on the Internet after this episode. I was so angry. I ordered her a herbal flea preventative that is not toxic to me or her. I was so upset that at my own hands I almost killed her.
Have a good weekend.:heart:
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans Over Forty ~ Part VII
on: August 05, 2006 05:23
Neenime thanks for the encouragement and I hope everything goes well with your family gathering.

Swabby, That is so great that you are building that relationship with your brother. I bet you are fixing a yummy lunch. Have a good time.
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Post RE: Fans Over Forty ~ Part VII
on: August 05, 2006 05:27
Hey, friends, all is well. Thanks for your kind thoughts. We both arose snit-free and are just getting dressed for the party. The rest fothe family are out working like beavers getting the decorations put up. We are blessed to have such a great group (despite their various quirks,- including putting up with ours).

Rivendell at Yosemite? I'd say it's looking pretty good. Too bad we can't just hike there, eh, Tom BTW, thanks for the heads-up about your name. I'll be happy to use it properly.

Awelyn oh, my. I am sorry anout your son's condition. He must have to be very careful with his health. If only we could brew up some Elvish elixir for him, or that concoction that Treebeard uses. I hope he's well.

[bGlad you doffie is ok.] [/b] What an aweful scare! I hope you and other owners report that stuff!

Will visit some more after the festivities. Have a great day.
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
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Post RE: Fans Over Forty ~ Part VII
on: August 05, 2006 09:01
How wonderful to attempt playing a musical instrument, melian, especially the violin. I have music in my soul but it doesn't know how to get out. I guess that's the reason I like to dance, you've got to let it out somehow. :disco:

Beware Randi, tropical storm Chris may be heading your way. I'm so glad it's no longer a hurricane and doesn't seem to be much of a bother. Great improvement from last year and I am sooo grateful.

Love the Viggo poem, swabby. It's going to be placed in my LOTR scrapbook among the V-pages, my favorites. I'm not familiar with the song you mentioned. Perhaps we should practice a bit before the Bilge water Bob's performance. Wouldn't want things to get thrown at me.
Glad that close male relative is spending yet more time with you. May your relationship continue to be blessed.

You will be Tom from now on, friend.

You are such a thoughtful person, awelyn. Your words bring encouragement, love and smiles. :hug:
I am so glad that your little dog is doing better. What a scare that must have been. It's frightening to know that harmful things are "out there" for consumers to use.
I didn't know about your son's disease. I pray that his health doesn't become a problem with his music.

I agree with your take on the homeless, vicarcat. We as a nation are very privileged financially. Out of our abundance, we should be helping others. So many Americans think that the "extras" they have are essentials. Not so. A few years ago I took a trip with some missionaries to Haiti. I went to help and came back feeling like I was the one who had benefitted. Supreme poverty and harsh living conditions were the norm, yet I saw a respect and love for others along with a sharing of the little that they had. In talking with some of the residents, they were astounded that most Americans had a "house" for their car (garage) and they give their dogs a special food (dog chow). Every day I thank God for running water that can be hot when I want it to be, air-conditioning, enough food, decent shelter and medical care. I hope to be as loving and spiritual as some of the Haitians that I met that summer.

Have a great party, Neenime. Sounds as if the fun has already started.

Love and hugs to all the FoF folk.:love:

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Post RE: Fans Over Forty ~ Part VII
on: August 05, 2006 09:30
Tom..:blush: *is in shock* Oh! My! It has been such a long time since a gentleman has tipped his hat to me!! Thank you for the gesture! (most men don't even wear hats anymore!)
I think I'll try to go to Yosemite National Park and see if I can find a Ranger to guide me to Rivendell..Anyone else wanta go?? (Even if the Ranger is NOT wearing a kilt!!):evil:
Those are beautiful pictures! can definately see the resemblance ..Yes.. I was referring more to the size of the trees than color..*grin*
Vicarcat..There are Elves at Mt. Shasta?? I'm going there..!!
Are you and Rose having a walking contest?? And would that be anything like what Legolas and Gimli were having..both in battle and celebrating!!??
Swabby..Fangorn is in Arkansas!!?? And have you met Treebead yet?? Maybe I'll come to Arkensas first..since it is closer to me..
Not sure who Hugh Jackman and Clive Owen are..(since I don't watch much TV) But I would definately vote for Aragorn!! (love that little verse..btw)
Is that certain relative you spoke of..your brother ..maybe?? Hope y'all have a wonderful day together!!
Awelyn Your Elf hunts both deer and turkey!!?? WOW!! He must really be good with a bow!! Yep! The billy goat is mean alright!! But I think it is more frustration really!! He DESPERATELY needs a mate!! lol
I am SO sorry to hear of your son's health problems..*hugs Awelyn* It must be very frustrating not to be able to do anything . *hugs Awelyn again* Hang in there..
Glad your little dog is better..(We have TOO many dogs..around 20 something..I think!)
Neenime..Have fun at your family get-together...
I will be going home sometime tomorrow..so my time here..(for this trip) is drawing to a close.. We have no phone yet at the farm..and not sure when I will be around a computer again after tomorrow morning..
I have thoroughly enjoyed the time with you all and getting acquainted somewhat..and thanks again for the warm welcome everyone! I will return at the first opportunity! And if anyone is interested in keeping in touch (snail -mail may be the only option for awhile...) you can pm me and we'll work out details..(add and such) It will be at your own descretion..so ..no pressure at all..
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Post RE: Fans Over Forty ~ Part VII
on: August 05, 2006 06:41
Hi everyone. Someone (awelyn) sent a cop after me and told me that people were on the lookout for a balrog. He found one. This cop looked soooo much like a particular ranger with a star on his chest. He reminded me of someone but I couldn't put a name to his face.

I was soo busy at work that I would come home at night and veg out on the couch. I will be taking more time off soon. I am starting to feel the effects of working soo much that this old body is getting older than me.

Nice to see new folks here in ME. A little about myself:
- just over forty
-work in a deli at Safeway in Canada
-work also selling lottery tickets
- got 2 children: son - 25; daughter - 19
- I am more hobbit - size wise anyways.
- computer literate - work on computers in spare time
- certificate in office accounting - thinking of starting my own business
- write with other FoF on a Role Playing Game

I think that does it.

I have read the last 3 pages. Sorry to hear of some of you losing people in your lives. MTMS: glad to hear about the engagement. Sounds like a nice lady.

The Ukrainian Festival is over here for another year. It sure was busy. I didn't get to enjoy it this year because of work. Got to hear some music in the Mall where I work. It sure was foot tapping music. Neenime: sure hope to see you here some year. Would be nice to see another FoF person.

Randi - I was raised on a farm so I know it's tough to work it. But at the end of the day it is well worth it.

Wind picked up here today that it could have blown me over. It has rained off and on for the past week. The night are sure getting cold: 40F at night.

Well I should go so I can rest and be prepared for tomorrow.

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Post RE: Fans Over Forty ~ Part VII
on: August 05, 2006 08:58
Balrog, I hope you get some time off to rest...

Randi, there are Elves in all the forests but most of them are so faded
that they look like ghosts...
The Elves at Mt. Shasta are like Calle very nice, and down to earth
about the way to get things done... or so I've been told.

MT, you worked as a volunteer in Hati? Wow!

Awelyn, I have put your son on my prayer list...
and I hope your dog is feeling better.

Swabby was it you who asked if I was racing Rose?
Shoot, I'm just trying to catch up to her!

Half of what I do for the homeless is to show them where they can
get some of what they need...
Housing at low cost is in high demand so there are long waiting
lists for HAP and HUD housing.

My bangs have finaly gotten to just that length where I can't tie them
up and I can't see with them in my face;
so I cut a head band out of some soft gray leather and will be wearing
it until my hair grows out another four inches...

I don't care if I look like a 16th century hippie I want to see what I am working on.
Besides folks either don't see me at all... so I have to be colorfull when
they get close enough to touch. or stare at me like I am a space alien...
And it happens even when I wear jeans and a t-shirt.

I gave up the tye dye and went to folk dress about june of 79...
Then I found the SCA and thought I'd gone to part of Faerie filled
with Humans...
Sigh... close but no Lembas, [some nice Gingersnaps though].
I got in trouble at one SCA event for using Le-Faye in my persona name
until I showed them my state id with my sir-name being Leslie-Faye...
talk about blush [all three of them did] and appologise all over the
place too...
Doesn't matter how long I've been gone or how distant from my
home kingdom I travel, in the SCA I find friends at every event...
Now if I could form an Elven household in the SCA we might get
closer to bringing Middle Earth Kindness back into Modern Earth's
in a way that would not be interpreted as a cult or druggie group...

OK so I have issues with hard core drug use without a doctors care.
I won't get on that soap box tonite...

Hope the new week is good for everyone... :hug:
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Post RE: Fans Over Forty ~ Part VII
on: August 06, 2006 05:37
I just got back from an early morning motorcycle ride, since it's too hot to ride later in the day. The leaves on A lot of the trees are changing color---not from autumn conditions but from heat stress. Come on October! I think fall is my favorite time of year, and I'll really be happy when my son is back in school. All summer long he has stayed up half the night in his room talking on his cell phone or pc. (He has A webcam) Then he gets angry if I try to wake him up at noon. He's nothing like I was at his age. He seems to have no interests outside of his little artificial world. Me, I was always outside fishing or swimming or running around with my buddies. I couldn't wait to get A car and go on dates, but not my son. He talks to girls over the airwaves all the time but is yet to touch one or look into her eyes. I don't get it. I must be A dinosaur.

I'm glad you think that much of my silly little kilted ranger poem, MT. Let me know when you're available for practice. If we got booed off the stage at Bilge water Bob's, I'd never live it down. We can go deep into the Ozark Fangorn if you wish, that way we can have absolute privacy. You do trust me, don't you?

I do hope you can visit with us on A regular basis, Randi. I think you've got the right stuff to be A good, solid FoF-er and it'd be A shame if you couldn't get back to us after your return home.

Mith, dang it! There you go moving again. I was A nomad for twenty years of Navy life, but I hate leaving the comforts of home and familiar surroundings now. You must be A lot tougher than I am. I'm afraid I'd have to tell hubby "See ya when you get back!", then I'd lay claim to that TV remote!

Balrog, you were gone too long. If you do that again I'll have to scold you severely and send you to bed with no butane.

Vicarcat, I'm concerned about these "fading elves" you keep talking about. Are you sure you aren't having some kind of vision problem? Next time you see one fading out of view, try poking it with A stick. If it hollers "Ouch", you're fine, but if the stick just passes right through, run away----it's A ghost!

I'm going to keep hoping that there will be A medical solution found for your son, Awelyn. Progress is being made in that direction all the time. Make sure he takes good care of himself.

Bless you, ladies and lad, and may you all have A peaceful Sunday. Swabby
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Post RE: Fans Over Forty ~ Part VII
on: August 06, 2006 09:47
Tom..:blush: *is in shock* Oh! My! It has been such a long time since a gentleman has tipped his hat to me!! Thank you for the gesture! (most men don't even wear hats anymore!)
I was going to say, "That's probably because men don't wear hats as they once did," but you beat me to it.

Still, many of those that wear caps fail to remove them indoors, even while dining. :rolleyes:

No, there aren't many gentleman like Swabby and Ol' Tom left.

I think I'll try to go to Yosemite National Park and see if I can find a Ranger to guide me to Rivendell..Anyone else wanta go?? (
I think I'm going to book a reservation to stay at either the Ahwahnee Hotel or the Wawona Hotel in the Springtime. I understand that's when the falls are most spectacular (probably due to the snow melt). Of course, they're so popular that you probably have to book a couple of years in advance.

My wife and I did stay at the McCloud Hotel near the foot of Mt. Shasta for a weekend a few years ago. You step out of the hotel into the street, perform a right face, and there is Mt. Shasta in all its splendour! We had dinner in a train that circles around the area, and did a little nature walking. We didn't see any Elves, though, faded or otherwise.

[Edited on 8/6/2006 by Old_Tom_Bombadil]
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Post RE: Fans Over Forty ~ Part VII
on: August 06, 2006 09:02
Swabby I don't poke Elves faded or not they carry bows and
I don't want to resemble a porcupine after they have tested
to see if I am real by using me for target practice...
And yes they would do this being annoyed by stupid people
who poke them to see if they are real...
Much better to ask if they are ticklish and watch them blush...
Oh but Elves do tickle back, and at the most inopportune
times too...
It is most imbarrasing to be walking down the park being
tickled while the folks in the park look at me like I'm crazy
because they can't see the Elf whose tickling me!
Sometimes they cheer me up at others they keep watch over
me... and they do work with Angels...
Ah well if you saw half of what I saw then you'd have to
deal with them too... at least I'm trained for it.

I saw Timberwolf tonight seems his last week has been a blur
it went by so fast...
He is going to rest for a few days so I may not see him again
till sunday night.
I'm happy enough to know that he is OK as I kept hearing
snatches of his conversations even though we were miles apart.
He gets the same snatches from close friends too as most of
our friends broadcast their thoughts in a random pattern...
Now if we could teach them how to send it in complete
sentences life would be much clearer... as is it is like a bad
phone conversation.

Oh the woes of being Half-Elven...
Sigh... if I stop trying to be Human then it is the Humans
who are hard to see and the Elves look fine...
I've to find the ballance between both worlds.
Though at that point everyone might look a bit faded...
or maybe just stressed out from the war on poverty.
It is hard to tell these days what makes peoples spirits sink
down into the mirk, as problems are more tangled and complex
then in the past and trying to unravel the causes can get one
in a mental tangle...

Calle, do correct me if I've gone off of the deep end eh?

Saints, Shamans, and Sylvan-Elves, wander down the straight
road to the Undyinglands...

And no I am not into conspiracy theory at all...
I've enough problems with homeless teenagers that have
pointed ears and a definately different sentence structure to
their English...
It would help if their was a land line for phone service to
Faerie as cell phones don't work there at all...
Then again I can't call Heaven on the phone either so what
am I worrying about?

Mumbles... What happens if I dial 1-800-Call-God?
Probably get a busy signal... or worse get put on hold for
an eternity...
I better use the main line and just dial J-ESU-SCHR-IST.
Never a busy signal on that prayer phone line...

Never let the sun set on anger if you can help it,
better to have the sun set on love....

Have a happy week everyone! :love:
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Post RE: Fans Over Forty ~ Part VII
on: August 07, 2006 03:57
Awelyn, hope your dog is alright. It's not your fault although know you feel responsible.

Oh, Cat, if only more people shared your compassion. I imagine all of us at FOF do, it can be a rare commodity these days. Too easy to get wrapped up in our own worlds and too busy to notice.

Mith, dang it! There you go moving again. I was A nomad for twenty years of Navy life, but I hate leaving the comforts of home and familiar surroundings now. You must be A lot tougher than I am. I'm afraid I'd have to tell hubby "See ya when you get back!", then I'd lay claim to that TV remote!

Yeah, Swabby, it's almost time. Last year seemed a bit more difficult but think that was just a hormonal thing, lol. Having 4 months at home felt like a gift from God. But somehow I feel refreshed and ready to go again. (The remote idea is enticing...but doesn't do any good hiding it when I'm alone.) We're going to Nebraska for 3 months so may feel different after a time away. Oh, and have to say thanks as well for the Viggo poem. While the mention of his bum sent quivers down my being, I don't remember it being hairy.

A blessed day to you all! :hug: :heart::love:
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Post RE: Fans Over Forty ~ Part VII
on: August 07, 2006 06:21
Well Mith, I guess if you must move, and you're ready for it, then it isn't so bad. I just hate having you missing for that period of time when you don't have your computor set up. Going to the POG, huh? Maybe you could drop in on Scots and see if she really did finish those cabinets or was just saying that.
As for Viggo having A hairy bottom, I just assumed that it was. Perhaps you've gotten A good look at it?

You have A lot more self-discipline than I do, Vicarcat, because bow or no bow, I'd have to poke those faded elves with A stick. Faded arrows shouldn't hurt much, anyhow.

I think the trolls finally got the best of Rose. She's been gone too long. She must have put too much ice in her flame-thrower and couldn't fire it back up when she needed it. I guess that's the last of the dragons and we're sure gonna miss her.

Judging from the number of posts yeasterday and today, I'd say that fading disease must be spredding. Swabby

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Post RE: Fans Over Forty ~ Part VII
on: August 07, 2006 07:01
Wha? Aragorn has a hairy bottom? OOOhh
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Post RE: Fans Over Forty ~ Part VII
on: August 07, 2006 08:30
Wha? Aragorn has a hairy bottom? OOOhh

Hi everyone

Go watch "A history of violence if you want to know about a certain bottom (it didn't look that hairy to me!)

Awelyn glad your dog is OK.

Hi Tom nice to see you back, you and Swabby are polite old fashioned gentlemen even if us girls get a little bit naughty at times.

I plucked up courage and put the first 2 parts of my LOTR/POTC story up at fanfiction.net. I am rarely happy with what I write and worry what people think. You would expect having got to my age I would be a bit more blase but I think it's just the way I am. Strangely enough it doesn't bother me so much with all you wonderful people here, you are so supportive and friendly.

It's festival time in Edinburgh which means a very busy city but the atmosphere is amazing. Living here with all that on my doorstep I hardly ever go to anything. I did go to an open air performance of LOTR one time but it was the day my father died in hospital and my heart wasn't really in it. I had hoped by going to carry on as normal but Mum and I has spent most of the previous night in the hospital and I was tired as well. I hope it doesn't sound callous that I went to a play after finding that out but there was nothing we could do till the next day and anyway my Dad wouldn't have wanted me to sit around crying.

Anyway hope everyone is well.

Love and hugs

Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans Over Forty ~ Part VII
on: August 07, 2006 12:24
Mith and HT my dog is better but not out of the woods yet. I was filled with rage. I have not been that angry or sad in a long time. The main ingredient used in the preventative is a pesticide they spray on crops and weeds. If you get it on you and don't wash it can go in your nervous system. If you don't use it all you have to call a Environmental agency to dispose of it. Scary huh.

Mith,I was just thinking the same as Swabby that maybe you can visit with Scots. I am glad you had so much time at home. I finally had a movie matinee and finished the LOTR movies. It was great. It would have been better if my FOF friends were there.

Ah,so Swabby Viggo does not have a hairy bottom. Thanks HT good detective work. I would prefer Elrond myself . I think we should send out the dogs for Rose or maybe the eagles.

HT, we all handle grief differently. Don't feel guilty. I don't think you were callous. I look forward to your stories.

Melianmaia, I love your avatar.

Cat do not be weary in well doing so keep up the faith.
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Post RE: Fans Over Forty ~ Part VII
on: August 07, 2006 02:10
I think you should start your own business, balrog. You are talented and a very hard worker. Go out there and give it your best shot. I'm pulling for you!!

I went to Haiti in 2000, vicarcat. We brought supplies to a training school and medical clinic, as well as much needed caps to keep the sun out of the childrens' eyes. Due to high sun exposure, many of the children get cataracts.
Member of the SCA, are you? I think I need to become a member. First, I guess I need to find a local group. How did you go about it?

So there's an Ozark Fangorn where we could practice our routine, swabby? Of course I would feel utterly safe there, but want to know what the Arkansas ents are like.....

Do not fear melian, according to the Viggo Vixens ( HT, mith, neenime and MT), Mr. Mortensen's lovely posterior is as soft (and hairless) as a baby's bottom...and as squezzable!

Can't wait to check out your new story, HT. School starts this week and I may have to wait until this weekend to do so. Know you'll have me smiling.

Hope your dear doggie continues to improve, awelyn. I would be mad and upset also. It's difficult not to feel that way when the problem could've been prevented.

You have a great attitude about life, mith. I will attempt to be as flexible and easy-going as your are. See below.

I'm working on my attitude. School is driving me a little insane. Schedule changes, students addeded, students withdrawn, unproductive meetings that take away precious time, things that took hours to make/put up get lost or fall off the wall (for the third time) and to top it all off...the toilet in the classroom won't flush!!!:cry:
Thanks for listening to me whine. I'll suck it all up and smile when I see my students' happy faces. Perhaps I'll go watch A History of Violence-for research purposes.


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Post RE: Fans Over Forty ~ Part VII
on: August 07, 2006 05:03
Hi everyone.

Just had two days off and did nothing. Yesterday I caught up on soaps, did an RP and watched movies.

Today, I watched LOTR EE and I didn't intend on doing it but I fell asleep during them. They relaxed me soo much that I feel refreshed and ready to start the day tomorrow.

HeriTavaril: I went to the fanfiction site and couldn't find your story. Could you post a link to your story, please.

I think we will have to send the eagles to find a few members that are MIA.

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Post RE: Fans Over Forty ~ Part VII
on: August 07, 2006 07:53
Hmmm... I am doing better now it was the heat I think...

HT... We all seek comfort in the familar things when we loose
someone special.. :love:

Swabby a faded arrow shot from a faded 60lb bow hurts like
something else... oww....
I'd rather be tickled [much easier on the blood count...].

About the sca here is a link for info and such:
Hope that helps... It was back in 79 that I joined my friend Teddy made a chainmail t-shirt for his senoir project in highschool and I asked him "why chainmail?" and got more then a simple answer... almost as good as CoE!

I ran into Timberwolf by the pepperjackcheese at the store today...
Now if I could remember what language he first spoke to me in...
It wasn't Quenya, or Sindarin, or Gaelic, or English, so it took me
three repeatings to understand him... Ha I bet it was French!
If I could remember what language is was I 'd study up on it...

Mystery upon mystery... I ran into a fellow in the park this evening
that I've never seen before except in dreams...
He said Morning and I said Evening...
He spoke to me because as he put it Friendlies are rare these days...
Hmmm I just know God is up to something with all such mysteries...

I think folks have been too hot and tired to post much...
Me I'm under the fan so I'm ok... not ac but it will do for now.

I've to get more projects done...
Silverleaf's belt photos are up now under miscelaneous costumes
except for one that will be up tomorrow...
Oh and a random shot of Silverleaf is up under members p-z...

Wishing everyone a cool week! :cheers: :hug:
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Post RE: Fans Over Forty ~ Part VII
on: August 08, 2006 01:29
Here's to hairless bottomed, baby cheeked Rangers! What a wonderful way to smile as I laugh reading these posts.

Oh, it is so amazing how much difference an attitude makes, MT. It is not always as easy as it sounds, but I believe in making the best of the life I chose. Not to say I wouldn't do many things differently, given another chance. Good luck on your efforts. Now here's a thought, there are many FOF that seem to have really cool, interesting lives. I always think of the movie Pleasantville, where the son says at the end to his mother, "There is no right house, there is no right life." (I think that is how it goes.) I don't take it spiritually, just realize that my choices, right or wrong, led me to my current life and it really is not so bad. Geez, hope that all makes some sense.

Swabby, Scots and I already have a meeting in the works. Just need to wait and find out what my hubby's schedule will be. I'm very excited about it. Perhaps I'll be able to give you the insider info on the cabinets, lol. But back on the serious side, I'm looking forward to this as it gives me some extra time for things I love, whether reading, writing, studying Elvish or whatever.

Awelyn, wish I could have been there to watch the movies with you. My hubby is here and loves them but alas, he grew tired of the endless viewings. I watched FOTR but still want to watch the other two before we leave. So glad your dog is better, also!

HT, would gladly pair up and go with you. It is not easy doing things alone.

Well gotta get moving, have stayed on here longer than I should have. Have a dental appointment, just getting a tooth fixed that had a small piece break off...should be a quick fix. And am meeting a friend for lunch afterward. Have a great day! :hug: :heart::love:
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Post RE: Fans Over Forty ~ Part VII
on: August 08, 2006 01:43
Insider info on the cabinets?? Why, they're done! Well, done as far as I can get them until the galleons come our way to put new counter tops and new floors in. But I'm pleased with them nonetheless.

The land is breathing a heavy sigh of relief here today; can you feel/hear it? Rain. Blessed rain has been falling and for that we are all eternally grateful. It was getting a bit on the serious side with so little rain.

It's official! I have my security badge for my new school. They took pictures yesterday while we were at the ice cream social for the new teachers. The only thing missing on mine are the little numbers at the bottom to make the mug shot complete! OMG! It was horrible! It's depressing to see how I look in pictures. Well, maybe it will be effective in keeping the orklings in line. Scare tactics you know! LOL

Well, must be off to head down for another day of work. Take good care all!
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Post RE: Fans Over Forty ~ Part VII
on: August 08, 2006 03:24
Did you ladies know that riding A horse will remove the hair from one's bottom? Oh yes, it certainly will. I still think it's likely that A certain something was hairy before it wasn't.

Balrog, I'm glad you came to see us. Please don't overwork, ok?

I'm glad you would trust me to take you into the Arkansas Fangorn, MT. Of course I would protect you from the wild hogs, snakes and skunk apes with every fiber of my being, untill the millions of ticks and chiggers who thought I was fillet mignon brought me down, that is. As for our ents here, they look like regular trees and don't move around much. That's because they've been mistaken for deer so many times. I know one that will talk to us if I assure him that there are no hunters about. His name is "Tree jug" and he usually keeps A jug of moonshine stashed in one of his woodpecker holes. I'm afraid he's been drinking heavilly ever since he lost his entwife.

I hope this next move goes smoothly for you ,Mith, and I think it would be great if you could actually spend some time with scots indulging in our favorite obsession.

Happy Tuesday, all you sweeties! Swabby
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Post RE: Fans Over Forty ~ Part VII
on: August 08, 2006 06:46
Hi everyone

Balrog this link should take you to my story http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3085949/1/ if not try searching on authors my name over there is tavaril2000.

Swabby you said about horse riding smoothing out the rear end Do motor bikes do that too?

I have been checking out some of the LOTR stuff on youtube.com if any of you don't know about it. Some of the stuff is quite funny. The site has a lot of videos mostly set to music and people have set their favorite bits from the movies to a piece of the music. I think the funniest is the Muppet show theme tune with LOTR video here is the URL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUYEavsSz74

Let me know what you think.

Love and hugs

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Post RE: Fans Over Forty ~ Part VII
on: August 08, 2006 07:16
Of course I had to watch all those silly videos, yes the muppet show was good. Didn't get to see any of Viggo's hairless bottom though (brain goes into overdrive) according to Swabby it is hairless because he is a horseman. Hmmmm *looks around for any male horseman in the area*.
And HeriTavaril my brother and I went out to see a film when our dad died it was the jazz singer (about a man and his dad) I still remember the feeling when I hear Neil Diamond sing.
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Post RE: Fans Over Forty ~ Part VII
on: August 08, 2006 11:08
RE: YouTube site. There's one there that has our favorite ranger entitled "It's Raining Men." I've saved that particular one to my favorites. I could spend way too many hours looking at those videos but alas I have too much to do before Thursday night. That's when we're having our open house. I will then get a glimpse of my orklings. Should be interesting.
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans Over Forty ~ Part VII
on: August 08, 2006 04:38
Today marks a very special day in my history. Today I have been coming to COE a year. :disco: :rolling: :cheers: What a wonderful year. I have loved learning about my FOF friends and being with people who are obsessed with J.R.R. Tolkien. I want to say thank you COE for providing this wonderful place for me to come and be me.

Scots I know you will be so glad when your kitchen is finally finished. I know I will be glad when mine is finished. I did not see the song you mention on You tube. Well, I wish you good luck with your new job. I hope you get those kind of students that you know you have made a difference in their lives.

HT, thank you for that YouTube site. It was fantastic. My favorite was the Bon Jovi Its My Life. I get chills every time I hear Viggo sing on ROTK.

Melianmaia, I watched the Jazz Singer many times when I was up late with my infant daughter who is 23 now. I could sing those songs by heart. I love that movie but why not, Neil Diamond is a favorite of mine.

Swabby, I wish riding a horse would make your legs smooth. I would never shave again I would just ride a horse. Your mention of Fanghorn reminded me of tree faces I bought to go on trees in my back yard. I will tell the grandchildren the trees are sleeping Ents. I am putting them on the trees tomorrow. The grandkids will see me this weekend.

Balrog, it sounded like you finally had some rest and relaxation time. Well, good for you.

Hello Brandywine, How are things down on the farm or is it a ranch?

MTMS, how is school coming so far? Do you have kids that just melt your heart. I was always drawn to the kids that were trouble makers or the shy ones or the sad ones. I miss the class room but I love my job teaching the parents how to help their kids be ready before they start school.

Have a good day/night.


Cat I am so glad your heat wave broke . My little doggie is slowly getting better.

Mith, I can't remember everything you said. I know you are packing and that you and Scots are making plans for a meeting. I am green with envy.

Have a great night/day.

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Post RE: Fans Over Forty ~ Part VII
on: August 08, 2006 05:37
Happy COE Anniversary, Awelyn! You add so much joy here with your sweet and loving spirit. Have a wonderful time with your grandchildren. Making the trees into Ents sounds like a fun idea.

Lovely weather today. Got my tooth repaired and then met a friend and former co-worker for lunch. Luckily they had good broccoli cheese soup since my mouth was still quite numb from the 2 shots of Novocaine. (Better than pain!) Anyhow, my friend gave me an old LOTR game that came out in 1979, the Gollum/Smeagol statue that came with TTT (which I had regretted not buying), a book Everything Middle Earth and an Aragorn book-marker!

Swabby, thanks for the concern about the move. It will be one of the easier ones this time since the corporate apartment we will be renting includes linens, towels, dishes, pans, iron, vacuum, TV....pretty much all the necessities. That really cuts the load we take down quite a bit, although I keep separate stuff for travel like a kitchen bin loaded with essentials. Got it down to a science, at least some of the time, lol!

Oh and by the way, seems I do recall seeing some Ents when I was in Arkansas but that has been more than a decade ago. But the Ents I encountered were quite lazy and had a strange aversion to work - seems they were drinking heavily. Although there was this one eldar Ent who kept repeating the phrase "she juggled" many times over before taking a deep breath and a cold draught of Entwash.

Had YouTube saved to my favorites but had never really explored the site. Thanks for bringing those delightful videos to our attention, HT! Especially the ones including the hairless but hunky Ranger :heart: we adore. MT, you will love it.
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Post RE: Fans Over Forty ~ Part VII
on: August 08, 2006 09:05
Ah well it is 85*F and muggy...
It was better in the middle of David Douglas Park [in Vancouver WA.],
even if I was sorting through pine needles for broken glass...
Curses of fumblefeet upon those who break bottles in the forest where
little feet can get cut on them!
I do really wish that people would pack out what they pack in to the
Oh but the faded Elves did appreciate the bit of cleanup I did there
was a party going on as I left the park at sunset...
Me I was to pooped to party so they sent me home to Oregon...

At least I got 4.5 miles of walking in while I cleaned up other folks

I didn't see any Ents but the park is small and Ents like lots of room
to walk in....

Congrats Awelyn!

Hope everyones week is easy to deal with...

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Post RE: Fans Over Forty ~ Part VII
on: August 09, 2006 02:04
:naughty: It is truly Raining Men! Enjoy!

[[Truly, the fangirls have *nothing* on us! ]]

[Edited on 9/8/2006 by scots56]
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Post RE: Fans Over Forty ~ Part VII
on: August 09, 2006 02:40
Just a flyby post to wish Awelyn a Happy CoE Anniversary! :disco: :cheers:

HT, I've seen a lot of the YouTube stuff, it's really hilarious! I'll post links to some of my favourites here on a better time.

Well, back to work it is... Hope you have a nice day, everybody! :hug:
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Post RE: Fans Over Forty ~ Part VII
on: August 09, 2006 03:19
Woohoooooo!!! Yayyyyyyyyy! Yippeeeeeeeeeee! :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco: :disco:

YuTube good! Neenime like much! (except for the silly slash stuff).

Now if all my appointments would just cancel today, I would immerse myself in LOTR .. *sigh* un-bloody-likely

BTW, Happy Anniversary Awelyn. SO glad that you decided to share your time and your kind presence with us. Live long and Prosper.
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
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Post RE: Fans Over Forty ~ Part VII
on: August 09, 2006 03:26
Thanks for the link, HT. I watched most of the clips. You asked if motorcycle riding removed hair----the only place I ever noticed hair disappearing was on the outsides of my calves where my pants-legs were flapping in the breeze and wore the hair off. You don't move around on the seat enough to wear that other hair off.
I was going to tell you all A story about another unusual method of posterior hair removal but decided against it. Let's just say that it involved A young Swabby and the lighting of flatulence while in the nude. There was A fireball, the smell of burning hair and the instant realization of having made A terrible mistake. A lesson well learned, it was.

Yes, Mith, these Ozark ents do have A tendancy to drown their sorrows in strong drink. It's the hillbilly's faults for operating their stills so close to them, you see. All those intoxicating vapors wafting through their leaves and saturating their bark. It was said that the entwives became woozy and disoriented from all the 90 proof acorns that the squirrels kept packing into their holes and eventually just wandered off. I did hear mention of one entwife that could juggle pinecones, but that was before she became A sot.

Congratulations on your one year anniversary, Awelyn. I think mine was on the 5th of August, but I didn't start coming here to FoF untill some time later. I think Rose pm'd me and invited me to come here. I hope your little pooch continues to get better.

Do any of you ever watch that show on "Animal Planet" about the meercat family that's narrated by Sean Astin? I like nature shows like that, along with history, science and archeology. I love all that stuff about ancient Egypt, too. Have A happy humpday! Swabby
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