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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VIII
on: October 06, 2006 03:16
Yes, it has been a rough week, awelyn! Testing students for report cards, progress monitoring on some students, data meeting with reading coach, "walk through" of the classroom by principal, parent conferences, IEP meetings, not to mention dealing with a defiant student (multiple times),managing a few with learning problems and 2 Asperger's syndrome students (one who fired me). I am sooo glad for the weekend!! :disco: :cheers:

Know what you mean about that built-in alarm, Jess. Mine's set for 5:30, although I can sleep as late as 6:30 on the weekend. That's saying alot, as I am a "night owl". Glad that the wine and bath worked for you!

No Galadriel's mirror for me, Rose , but I just have a feeling that was something you would do. You are my hero and role model !
I also have Alan Lee's Sketchbook and have enjoyed it greatly!!

Fellow poster smoochers unite! Bet yours is of Aragorn, neenime??? Just don't kiss him after the lipstick goes on. It's hard to remove!!

Glad that Tommy is getting out and about, swabby. No telling where he'll be going and what he'll be doing a month from now.
There's a music festival in a nearby city. Some of the "headliners" are/were famous artists. Wouldn't mind hearing Patti LaBelle , Al Green or Shinedown. No Lynnard Skynnard, Michael Bolton for me, please. One of my fave groups is a regional jazz/funk band called Fingerroll. Excellent music to listen and "groove to." Didn't notice Swabby and brother listed on the line up. Better go back and check!

MT goes groovin' off into the sunset!!

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VIII
on: October 06, 2006 09:55
Jessamyn I am sympathizing with your lack of sleep. it is 1:35 a.m. MST in Idaho and I am awake. I got up and took valerian root, a natural herb, and had a cup of caffeine free tea. The warmth made me feel sleepy. I do think if I played some cards on the computer I'd get sleepy.

Good luck on that Jesse.

I believe mine is just old ladies syndrome and a bit of anxiety with having all three of our young adults still living at home and thinking they are more grown-up than they really act.

Happy sleeping to all the insomniacs out there, whatever the cause may be.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VIII
on: October 06, 2006 10:23
Embarasing moments...
About twice a week I stumble over a word like I don't know English at all.
Then there are the times I stumble going out the door of a shop... :blush:
Sigh to many times to count.

Does anyone know where I could get a copy of the tapestries used in LoTR?
Sigh, like I need another project[?] sure....

In the 60*s F but sunny today it will be in the 70*s F for the high
temp tomorrow through next week or so the weather man says...

Swabby glad to hear your son is going to a party...
good for him to socialise.

Amish are good people. :angel: :love:

Nightwatch was quiet again tonight, only one fussy incident about
bags being moved. Timberwolf is as tired as I am and just as busy!
Silverleaf ordered some cassocks, caplets, and sashes, earlier today,
I'm glad they came out of Curia funds... as we have to replace our
sleeping mats soon and our personal funds are short.

I haven't gotten an update on Barry's condition, so he is taking
it easy for a while, as I would have heard if anything dramatic
had happened...

Angels friend is doing much better and sends thanks to everyone
for their prayers.

Hmm... I probably missed a whole bunch of posts... I'll post again later.

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VIII
on: October 06, 2006 11:38
Embarasing moments? too many to name. Like Vicarcat, I seem to stumble, bump into walls, and say things wrong almost on a daily basis. I know why my mother didnt name me grace! Ok, my most embarasing...I was about 18 and got a job in a big insurance company. For lunch went with a coworker and friend for a quick sandwich but also had a quick drink that she had brought in a thermos (which was a no-no). On the way back to our floor on the elevator (lift), we were joined by at last a dozen high up business men. We tried our best to remain normal but both broke out into a giggle which turned into a laughing fit, at which time I noisily passed some gas :blush: . We ran off the elevator at the next floor (not ours), and sat laughing in the corner until we could contain ourselves. I still think about it from time to time and think...oh my God!!! Now you know my awful secret!!! lol
Swabby, My daughter is 17 and the never fail is a current cd or jewely. Or a bit of both.
Brandy, I understand that anxiety. Along with still raising two teens, I still have my 29 year old at home. Sometimes I wonder if he'll ever get out on his own.
Jess, glad you got some sleep. I have that built in alarm as well. Last night we had our work dinner, then went to have a drink after. I actually slipped away earlier than most of my coworkers, yet it was still late. But, I still woke up at dawn, like usual. my mum did name me right there...my middle name is Dawn.
Ah, beautiful sunny day today (yeah Rose, the rain is gone!)
And its my dogs 11th birthday!! So off to a nice walk path and a picninc lunch...then home to a new ball to play with and treats. Yes, we do sing happy birthday to him. We always have , so he knows what it means and he gets so excited about his little doggy bag on te table as he knows its a new ball. :love: I love my Kekolas (Cocoa). he's my prrecioussss!!
must go now..a beautiful day is a waiting I and my pup.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VIII
on: October 07, 2006 01:40
Quick comment on the Amish: what true followers of the teachings of Jesus to be able to turn the other cheek and forgive. Certain a leaf out of the "Good Book" some purported Christians (especially those holding public offices in the U.S.) should follow.

Swabby, do you have a Bath and Bodyworks store at your local mall? Any of the fruity flavors, especially melon will be a hit. A cartoon character tee-shirt (Sponge Bob is still big) or an animal tee. And stuffed animals are still "fly." All of these must be delivered with a big, mylar birthday balloon. Good luck.

SindyE Nad dithen carnen an gwend.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VIII
on: October 07, 2006 03:19
Thanks for all the very useful inputs concerning birthday presents! You've all given me some good ideas that will come in handy now and in the future. I could have thought of some of the things on my own, but getting expert advice from my trusted friends is invaluable.

I think there is one of those bath and bodyworks stores nearby, Sindy. I love Spongebob! (In case any of you want to fantasize about a ranger/santa/sailor, he does own a pair of Spongebob boxer shorts)

calle! I can't believe you'd pass gas in a crowded elevator! Actually, I did something far worse. We were standing in ranks one time, waiting to be inspected, when I released one of those "silent-but-deadly", naturally occuring swamp gas clouds. About 39 people started coughing, complaining of burning eyes and saying things like "I need a gas mask!". Then they all fell out of ranks and scattered, except for one----me! There I stood, still at attention, looking very red-faced and guilty.

That's funny, singing "happy birthday" to your dog, calle! I can just picture the excited pooch jumping about in anticipation.

With all that walking you do, Vicarcat, I hope you have good shoes. You don't want to end up with heel spurs like me. Ouch!

Three still at home, Brandy? How do you keep them fed?

You sure sound like you've been working your tale off, MT. It's a darn good thing you've got a steady supply of vitiman "V" to keep you going.

Have a great weekend my friends! Swabby
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VIII
on: October 07, 2006 04:28
Happy birthday to your dog, calle.

Hi everyone.

Not much to say today. Saturdays are always a blur.

Take care. :heart:

See ya. :love:
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VIII
on: October 07, 2006 05:09
Managed to get the computer while hubby was in the shower. His only day off so unless we are out and about, he's checking out college football stuff and tying up the computer. Woke up yesterday with one of those killer headaches that lasted for 12 hours. Nothing seemed to work. Thankfully, it is gone and today is a new day! It is sunny and supposed to be very nice out. We have plans to go check out some plaza with unique shops.

Enjoyed hearing all your stories. Awelyn, I have had many embarrassing moments as well, many I would prefer not to recall. Callë, related so much to what you said and actually my husband has jokingly called me "Grace" at times!

Can remember in 7th grade in between classes my garter belt broke and stockings fell....boy did I appreciate my first pair of pantyhose! Another time was when I was 9 and we had company....friends of my parents and their children. I had just received a new (and my first) bicycle and was so proud to be able to ride it. I took it out on the road and slung my woven purse over the handlebars. Big mistake as I didn't get far before the purse caught in the spokes and the bicycle and myself flipped over. Luckily all that was hurt was my pride and a couple scratches, lol!

Fellow poster smoochers...love that thought, MT! I'm always blowing kisses Aragorn's way when I have one of the movies on or see Viggo on TV or looking at a calendar, poster, computer wallpaper or whatever of the V-man. :heart::love:

Well hubby just found out his favorite team's game is on TV here after all. So the outing will be postponed. Oh well, I'm easy and will use the time for something else.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend! Love and hugs! :love::heart: :hug:
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VIII
on: October 07, 2006 06:42
Happy Birthday to your dog, Callë!

Today, I've been on the town, shopping clothes for my younger daughter, the autistic one. The problem with her is that, she gets easily nervous in such restless crowds that usually fill the department stores on weekends, and that couldn't be avoided this time either. In the end, we managed to find her new winter shoes, a sweater, and a winter coat though.

The most embarrassing moment that I recall happened when I was about 15. On a break at school, I felt that I'll have to fart. OK, there was nobody near me, so that's what I did. But then, I realized that, it hadn't been all gas... I of course rushed to the girls' room and cleaned up as much as I could, but because I didn't have any spare clothes with me or any possibility to get some, I had to spend the rest of the schoolday smelling not very nice. :blush:

Hats off to the Amish, really. How many others would have even thought what a tragedy it was for the killer's family as well?

Hope you're all having a good weekend! :hug:
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VIII
on: October 07, 2006 06:52
Sorry I'm so quiet. Been busy. Off to our Harvest Supper soon. Expecting 70/80 people, which is a fifth of the population. Should be fun. ... Cirdaneth
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VIII
on: October 07, 2006 07:35
Hi cirdaneth you don't have to be sorry for being quiet. We all here at FOF have been busy before and could not post. My goodness 70-80 people you must have lots of food to feed that crowd. Do you all bring a dish? Have fun.

Morwin ,I think so far you get the award for the most embarrassing.
Bless your heart that must have been a long day. You have a good weekend and I am glad you did get to get your daughter some things. My sister has an Autistic grandson and I understand how hard it is to shop with a child who has autism.

Mith thank you I am glad you like my stories. I hope you eventually got to go do something fun and find new places to shop. I am glad you don't have a headache today. I hate those kind of headaches.

Rose, take care and Saturdays always go by to fast for me too.
Have a good day.

Swabby ,I am glad you have great ideas for Tommy. You have a great weekend oh gaseous one. It is a beautiful Autumn day here . The temperature is about 64 and I love it. I may wrangle up some walking shoes and go for a walk.

Sindy, what a good idea about Bath and Body works I love that place myself. I agree with your comment about the Amish.

Calle I love your middle name. I have a niece with that for a first name. What was in that thermos pray tell. You poor thing. Well, you know alot of our awful secrets.lol. Have a good day.

Cat I am glad your friend and friends friend are doing well.

Brandy it always does my heart good to hear about people that have been married so long still love each other like you and your spouse . My youngest sister's has that relationship with her husband. I am envious. Have you tried Melatonin? It will help you sleep according to my doctor.

MTMS, well you just rest and have a great weekend. Get refreshed and ready to rumble next week. Our school is out for the day on Friday of next week but I am doing one visit on that day. Take care friend.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VIII
on: October 07, 2006 11:18
Embarassing moments...............I KNOW that I've had many, but thankfully have erased them from my mind. If I asked my brother, I'm sure that he'd come up with alot of stories. Here's a great one on my uncle.
My family would visit my mother's brother and his family every summer. All 5 of us cousins are around the same age and have always loved being together. When we went to visit the statue of Vulcan, located on a mountain top in Birmingham, AL we'd travel in uncle's station wagon. The adults were in the front and back seats and we kids were in the "way back" of the station wagon. While driving down the mountain from seeing Vulcan, my mom indicated that something smelled dead. My uncle snickered and my aunt hit him and said "Oh Mickey!" Uncle cranked up the air conditioner and the stench grew worse. We kids were banging on the glass window, yelling for someone to open it and give us some fresh air. My ex-college football playing father rolled down his window (he was in the front seat) and puked. That was a day we'll all remember!

Went shopping today for granddaughter. Her mom wants a pretty dress for her to wear at a wedding in December. Went to the Strasberg Lace store and found a lovely dress, sweater and matching socks. Hubby was astonished at the price of a dress so small being so large. Boys are so very different!

Going out to supper club tonight. Hope the others don't mind my cooking. Made a low calorie eclaire desert. We'll see if I'm asked to make desert again.

Thinking of how I'm going to dress Ara-baby for Halloween. Was thinking of horn, pitchfork and a tail, but not sure that he likes the idea. We'll see.

Have a great day, all!!

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VIII
on: October 07, 2006 01:16
Hey dol! merry dol! :wave:

Congratulations to Brandywine and her man on 27 years of wedded bliss. Goldberry and I will reach 17 years in January. My how the time flies!

I thought you all might like to see the results of our kitchen facelift that wrapped up yesterday. The cabinets are cherry wood with "gintage" stain. The countertop is "evergreen" by Corian. The cameo (off-white) double sink is also Corian.
The faucet is brass with an "antique copper" finish. The air gap (the little gizmo to the left of the faucet--it's for the dishwasher) also has a copper finish. The pulls and knobs are from the "Santa Fe Collection" by Classic Brass; they're matte black.

Here are links to some images:

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Image 4

Image 5

Image 6

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VIII
on: October 07, 2006 02:40
Mae Govannen, all :wave: Neenime is tired todayl. Had a terrific visit with Jess and another friend yesterday. We watched FOTR, munched many good things , drank wine and had many laughs. Unfortunately, Ranger Brownies late a night = too much caffeine for this Hobbit. I was wide awake from 1 AM til about 3:30 AM! :0 So, since my brain was racing to figure out the sleeve design for my Elvish dress, , I got up and worked on it some. I hope it's not ruined!

Undaunted, I slept in this morning. Hubby came back from an early moring photo shoot with breakfast and coffee. I knew I married him for some reason.

I am looking forward to TTT next Friday night. Just no more Brownies! Rats!

Awelyn Sorry to hear about your incisional hernia. I hope the surgery does the job this time. I probably have a hiatal hernia and am hoping to keep managing it with diet and sleeping in a propped up position.

Embarrassing moments Hmmm - will work on that one.

Tom Excellent cabinets. Nice colour! Look quite Hobbitty.

Jess , about your insominia - warm soy milk before bed helped one of my clients.

MTMS Re: poster kissing. You’d better believe it's Strider!

Swabby I wonder if perfume might be a bit too personal? CDs, jewellry or a fancy, scented candle?

JRRT to the rescue I had a client who was worried that she was crazy. She'd lost someone very important and was having a lot of difficulty with her grief. Words were failing this very artistic woman, who is a promising writer. She made up her own language in a prayer that she composed . I was privileged to hear her read them aloud to me in a session. It sounded Gaelic, which she doesn't know and sent shivers all through my body. I told her about a certain Professor Tolkien and making up languages. It made her day!

OK - off to inspect the condition of my dress!

In case I don't get back here tomorrow or MOnday I thank you all for being such a sweet, wacky and caring bunch of Tolkien devotees. You are a gift in my life and I thank you all for your unique and heartfelt conributions.


“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
Prancing Pony Moderator & Elf Laundry Mistress
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VIII
on: October 07, 2006 05:00
Sorry I've been MIA. Had my 54th birthday on the 2nd (thanks for the card Neenime) and had to work. :yawn: Back from Denver last week... Trying to catch up at work AND started back to online school for my Master's on Tuesday. This weekend we're cleaning (ugh) and have spent all day sorting books to get rid of and tossing stuff we don't need any more. Amazing how much junk people can accumulate in 15 yrs back, not to mention all the stuff we've been gathering in our 24 yrs together. *sigh* I just wanna play. :cry:

Ah well... The granddaughter is adorable and growing like crazy. Wish we could be closer to them. Bought the 4.5 acres near Pike's Peak, but it won't be for about 5 yrs before we actually move. Got to clean up this place before we even consider selling it. Oy... Later... :wave:
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VIII
on: October 07, 2006 05:32
Old_Tom_Bombadil, I loved the new face lift . The colors are very complementary to each other. It was very nice.

Belle. it sounds like you have alot on your plate. BTW Happy Belated Birthday. I know what you mean about thing piling up since the hubby and I are pack rats. I need to do that sometime.

Neenime is Monday Canadian Thanksgiving. If it is Happy Thanksgiving to all the FOF Canadians. It sounds like you had a grand time with Jess. I hope this time will fix it too. I am going to make an appointment Monday with a surgeon I won't get in the same day but at least I will have an appointment.

MTMS, how about a bat for Ara-baby's costume or a vampire. Supper Club? Your granddaughter's dress sounds so pretty. I love shopping for girls. Have a great Sunday.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VIII
on: October 07, 2006 10:48
Oh dear I have been missing things. :blush:

Happy belated Birthday Belle!

Awelyn I hope your surgery goes well...
I'll keep you in my prayers.

Tom your kitchen looks nice. And I realy like the big windows too.
Your view is much nicer then mine!

Neenime I hope your feeling rested when you awaken...

I ran into a woman tonight who loves the arts but hates religious...
pity that for without that bias we might have been friends.

Ok I finaly remembered my worst embarrasing moment... :banghead:

I was in the 6th grade and my teacher was really strict
like you couldn't leave the class room without first getting
her permission....
So there I was in line waiting to get permission with my
bladder wanting a toilet really bad like,
I was only one student away from the teacher when my
bladder let loose about a gallon or so on the floor...
She had the gall to ask me why I didn't just go out the door
and to the bathroom.
I told her that she said I had to have permission from her in
the form of a signed slip to leave the room...
We were both red in the face after that and we both had to
report to the principals office... :banghead:
luckily for the both of us in that neither one of us got suspended...
Needless to say my teacher was much easier on all her students
after that day!

Oh do you have a halo and wings for Ara-Baby? :angel:
He would fit right into them I'm sure!

Did Cocoa the dog enjoy his birthday?et:[Insert dogbone with bow here!]

It was 64*F today but is suppose to be 70*F on sunday...
Nightwatch was quiet most folks had left before 9:30...
probably to get into the shelters or their apartments before it got cold.
The predicted low is around 40*F for tonight.

Gotta nap...
I'm out of melatonin so I will meditate on Haldir to get relaxed.
Can't meditate on Aragorn he's with MTMS... sigh.

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VIII
on: October 08, 2006 04:14
Hiya my friends!
Soo jealous of fof'ers that get to have get together and watch LOTR films, AND enjoy good drink and food.
Awelyn, I certainly hope your hernia can be corrected ok.
Tom...love your kitchen and really love the green outside your window.
happy belated birthday Belle. Hope you had a good one! 4.5 acres, wow, how nice!! That will be worth waiting for!
I kiss posters too! and one of my favourite games is...
My doggy had a wonderful birthday yesterday. Thank you so much for his well wishes. We went tp Rudyard lake. Its a lovely lake with a walk path around it. Lots of ducks, swans, and loads of wildlife in the surrounds. Beautiful and very peaceful. Then we came home for chicken cake and pressies.
After all that the new Robin Hood series came on. Yep, it was good!
Cirdaneth, its ok that you have been busy. We are just glad to have you around! Your harvest dinner sounds much bigger than ours was. Hope it turned out well.
OK UKers, whose going to Manchester collectormania in November?? I am !! Haldir will be there! ah, cant wait!!:love:
Anyone else want to have a quick meet there? I will be going with two of my sons and maybe my daughter if she can get past going with me with my pointy ears on. I'm so excited!
hope you are all enjoying your weekend. Back to work tomorrow. It goes so fast doesnt it?
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VIII
on: October 08, 2006 06:25
I had that last piece of chocolate cream pie and then sat up past my usual bedtime last night. Big mistake----- my stomach and the pie fought with one another all night long and I got up feeling like road-kill this morning. My normally indestructible digestive system is still making weird noises, and it's almost noon.

That's a nice looking kitchen old Tom. It reminds me of a house I once lived in. I like the colors y'all chose.

Happy birthday Belle! (What a kid) You're now a year younger than my little brother.

Chicken cake and pressies? That sounds like foreign food to me, calle. I'm sure it's good if you made it, but what the heck is it?

Tommy has decided to give his friend a card with money in it. I guess that'll work, but it's not very personal. He says now that he thinks she's sweet on one of his buddies, so maybe that's best.

You're a lucky gal, Neenime. Your husband sounds like me, bringing breakfast and coffee to his sleeping wife.

You sure run into some unusual folks there in Portland, Vicarcat. I always differentiate between God's word and how people interpret it and use it. Does that make sense? I'm never angry at God but I'm often angry at people who misuse religion.

The fighting seems to have stopped down in my inerds, so I guess I'll go looking for some lunch now. Happy Sunday my friends. Swabby

[Edited on 8/10/2006 by swabby]
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VIII
on: October 08, 2006 06:47
Why are there just not enough hours in the day, especially at weekends. *sigh*

My daughter visited New York last week. Had a wonderful time and brought me some lovely earrings back, from Macy's. Dangly ones with spiders, skulls, snakes and beads.

Had a smile at all our embarrassing moments. I can't think of any others that really stick out in my mind, although I have probably made bloopers throughout my life. I do have a doozy that my mum told me about herself, when she was a young woman. She was waiting at a bus stop on her way to work, when her knicker elastic snapped and they landed around her ankles. She niftily launched them into the air and they landed on a man's shoulders. Needless to say, my mum didn't stay around to claim them, she just hurried off in the opposite direction.

Hope that wasn't too shocking. Lol!! She told me it was early in the morning and they were fresh on. :blush:

Cat: I'm not sure of the tapestries you mean from LotR, but the following site have tapestry stuff to buy TolkienTown. And then I found this site, where the person has made her own charts from photgraphs. Don't know if you have every done that, but if you have photos of the tapestries, maybe it's worth a go, doing your own. tazzie.mystics

Hi cirdaneth. Good to see you, whenever. :love:

Great Kitchen face-lift, Tom. Love the colours and your Kitchen looks quite Hobbity.

Belated birthday greetings, Belle. :love: 4.5 acres near Pike's Peak sounds awesome.

awelyn: Hernias are no fun. :hug: Hope everything gets sorted. I thought I had a haitus hernia once, a long time ago, but turned out to be effects of pernicious anaemia. Years of injections every 6 weeks, then regular doses of Vit B12.

Hope Tommy has a good time at the party, swabby. And money in a card is always popular Sorry to hear that you are having trouble with you innards. Enjoy your lunch. :hug:

Whoah!! calle. *jumps up and down*. Magoleth and I are going to Collectormania in November. Would definitely love to have a quick meet up. Yes, indeedy. Image

Blessings to everyone :love:

Rosie xx

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VIII
on: October 08, 2006 10:17
Happy belated birthday, Belle! That makes 3 of us I know of that are 54. Not a bad age at all.

Awelyn, sorry to hear you need another surgery. Hope they fix it once and for all this time. Will you be in the hospital for any stay?

Glad your tummy is feeling better, Swabby. Perhaps it was not used to something so sweet and soothing, lol...j/k! Do you actually serve breakfast in bed? If so, can you be cloned?

Your new kitchen looks beautiful, Tom. I really loved Scots as well and am definitely partial to her new fridge.

Thanks for the hugs and the beautiful thoughts, Neenime. Hope you get some good rest tonight. That can't be easy helping others cope with their problems. Would be difficult to not get emotionally involved.

Loved the kiss Legolas thing, Callë. One more for my favorites. Now we need one for Aragorn/Viggo. What do you think, sister shield maidens?

Enjoy what is left of the weekend, everyone! :heart::love: :hug:
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VIII
on: October 08, 2006 11:18
About sleeping. I have tried everything. I have used milk, melatonin, valerian root, ambien. There are just nights I don't sleep much.
One thing that seems to work well is going to church. It's not boring or anything but I always feel sleepy at church. I think it's because I am sitting still and have my own agenda off and the Lord's agenda on.

Happy belated Birthday Belle

Swabby, feeding all three of them plus two of us varies in it's degree of difficulty. For example: the other day I made two meals (at the same time): Shepherd's Pie and Macaroni with tomatoes and meat. My daughter had one helping of each and then got a frozen dinner out of the freezer. (no she isn't fat, just very active). My oldest ate 1/3 of the remainder of the shepherd's pie and polished it off today. I didn't get any. Our McDonald's son (that's where he works) has been eating cereal like the industry is about to close down.
Milk is the most difficult commodity to keep around.

The weekend has moved along rather pleasantly. My hubby got a day off yesterday because it was too wet to dig spuds.
We spent the day lounging, reading the paper, watching tv, and then went to dinner.

Today is just another Sunday. Hubby just called and he is coming home early to go deer hunting. I can go if I want, or not. Probably will though. A nice ride up into the mountains. He usually doesn't shoot anything even though he has a license.

Well see you all later.

Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VIII
on: October 08, 2006 01:10
Swabby, I think the chicken cake was for Calle's dog because it was the dog's birthday and the pressies were presents lol. I am glad you are feeling better. Well, it sounds like Tommy made a good choice.
I hope your lunch stayed down.

Mith, I have not seen the surgeon yet but most of the time it is same day surgery but last time they went in to correct what they thought was a huge one and turned out to be 18 on the prior surgery site. I had to stay over night. It might be longer this time. I dread it but I know I need it. I just feel so helpless. I can't lift or stretch or pick up anything over 20 lbs after surgery.

Brandy I was telling my doctor that I don't sleep all night any more and she said you are post -menopause and that seems to effect women's sleeping patterns. I said I know and she said no caffeine after noon. I have tried but she said not even chocolate now that is a hard one. Sometimes it helps other times it doesn't so go figure. I understand about church but it is my pastors dry sermons. He is a good teacher but boring speaker. I feel so sleepy at times.

Rose how funny ,your poor embarrassed mum. I thought the elastic breaking in my half slip was bad . Oh Rose I hope you get together with Calle in November with Mag. Take pictures okay.

Calle I forgot to tell you Happy birthday for your poochie yesterday.
Have a great Sunday.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VIII
on: October 08, 2006 03:46
Ara-baby is heavenly, vicarcat. Wings and a halo would be quite appropriate.

Did Eowyn make the chocolate cream pie, swabby?? It surely wasn't I!!!! I took some chocolate eclaire desert to supper club and no one got sick!! Hope that you feel better soon.

I am in a church supper club, awelyn. There are 8 people in each group. One of the members hosts a supper in their home once a month. The host provides the main dish and drinks , while the other members of the group provide salad, veggies, bread and deserts. It's a great way to get to know some church folks better as well as have some great food.

Funny story about your mom's knickers, Rose. I like her attitude.

A belated but none-the-less-heartfelt birthday hug for you, Belle. :hug: Congrats on having the acreage. You're making a dream come true. I want to do that myself. Only have to figure out HOW to capture that ranger and live on a castle on the beach....

What fun to have a Tolkien film fest, with fans who are friends, neenime. You are a lucky gal!!

Can't decide if your kitchen looks "hobbity" or "elvish". Either way, it looks very "natural" and inviting. Good work Tom!

Glad that your shopping trip was successful, morwin. The crowds in the stores I visited yesterday were difficult for me to deal with, I can't imagine how it would have been with an austic child. You must be a very special person to be so very patient and understanding.

Was going through some pics and found this one. This may be one of the reasons that I like renaissance festivals/faires so very much....www.photobucket.com/albums/v281/melianndoriath/Medieval%20faire/Garenfest001.jpg
What say you, fellow shieldmaidens???


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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VIII
on: October 08, 2006 06:09
Yet another belated happy birthday wish to Belle. I hope you enjoyed your special day.

Thank you all for the approving remarks to our kitchen facelift.

Can't decide if your kitchen looks "hobbity" or "elvish". Either way, it looks very "natural" and inviting. Good work Tom!
Hopefully it's neither: it's "Bombadilish"!

I was definitely going for a warm, natural-looking feel. While granite was a might too expensive--and I'm informed that it requires lots of maintenance and has other issues that might make it undesirable--I wanted a countertop that had at least something approaching the look of natural stone.

The "evergreen" Corian reminds me of the serpentine that I saw while hiking in the hills in my youth. Perhaps something like this:


That's a nice looking kitchen old Tom. It reminds me of a house I once lived in. I like the colors y'all chose.

If you're referring to the color of the wood stain, the countertop, the sink, and the faucet, thank you. The color of the appliances and walls are the same now as they were when we moved in nearly four years ago.

We do plan on painting the walls in the near future. They are presently pale yellow on one wall (the old countertop was yellow) and red on the other two walls. (The kitchen adjoins the TV room and the small kitchen dining area so that they form something along the lines of a "Great Room".) I'd like to paint the walls a yellow-gold like the color of the California hills in summertime.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VIII
on: October 08, 2006 07:55
Nice pic MTMS makes me wish there was a faire on this week...

Yellow-Gold like the California Hills sounds good to me for walls...

Sigh, it was cold today the high was 56*F...

I ran into Timberwolf tonight, he has some 150 people coming in
from the west and isn't sure where to put everyone...
I reminded him that I had told everyone that they had to get their
own rooms as we don't have guest rooms abvailible here...
We'll see what happens over the next month, as it takes folks time
to gather together for council meetings and whatnot.
And yes we have more coming from the Cascades too...

Had to throw out the old matresses as they were buggy so we are
sleeping on a matress pad and a doubled quilt until we have money
for a new mattress.
Not to worry about it though, as we are used to roughing it out on
camping trips.

I donated 2 bags of shoes and clothes tonight but I've still got to
go through things and get rid of more stuff...

If this coming week goes as smoothly as this weekend did... then all
will be well even if it might be a bit hectic.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VIII
on: October 08, 2006 11:27
For Neenime, Jess and Balrog, and any other Canadians, eh!


And to our American FoFers on Columbus Day


Glad you thought my mum's predicament was funny. She was a special lady. :love: We used to be in convulsions laughing when she told me of comical things that had happened to her as a child and in later life. I miss her more than I can say.

I like 'Hobbity' for your Kitchen, Tom. And the pic of the rock was interesting. Looks a bit like coal.

How did the birthday party go, swabby?

Eeuuww, Cat, buggy mattresses. *shudders*. Been there, done that.

Hi to everyone I haven't mentioned.


Rosie xx
Prancing Pony Moderator, Realm Head of Lórien & Grandmother who loves Tolkien
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VIII
on: October 09, 2006 02:43
I loved your Canadian Thanksgiving picture and thank you for the Columbus day greeting. Once again I am in awe of your skill. I understand fully about how you miss your mom. I miss my mom too and I guess I will as long as I live.

MTMS ,we use to have something at our church like that called dinner for eight. This shield maiden thinks the guy in the red shirt was very interesting Have a good day.

Well, Old_Tom_Bombadil I think the new face lift is very natural and the colors are great. My granddaughter collects rocks and I have a huge book on rocks that we look through. So that big chunk of a rock looks very interesting and I like the color.

Vicarcat, Bless your heart but sometimes with bed bugs you just have to trough out the mattress or at least that is what my mother-in-law told me. I hope you get one soon as sleeping without one is a bothersome thing and very uncomfortable.

Well, I need to get off here and get ready for work. I have had a break out of fever blisters or some people call them cold sores. I have them on the top and bottom of the right side of my mouth. Stress is a factor for me. I usually don't have such a severe case. So, I dread going to work they look awful.
Have a good day.
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VIII
on: October 09, 2006 04:12
You are most welcome awelyn: I like to make people smile.

As far as your coldsores are concerned. Dab a bit of perfume on them. It will sting like hell for a moment, but it dries them up a treat.

A nice cup of tea is a great stress buster for me. Hot and sweet. That was the thing, during World War II, my mum told me. If you didn't know how to handle the bombing or the conditions, you made a cup of tea!! Lol!!

Well, there's a pile of typing mounting up, so I better toddle off.

Bye for now

:wave:'s to everyone coming in or going out of the FoF room.

Rosie xxx
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VIII
on: October 09, 2006 04:16
Awelyn , my goodness dear. You neeed a month or so in the Houses of Healing! Barring that, perhaps that roguish looking gentleman in MTMS's Ren photo could give you a daily massage.

Not sure about the character on the right of the photo - are those padded handcuffs dangling from his belt (or is my imagination just a bit to wild?!?!)

I like the new word you coined. Imagine, in that kitchen you and Goldberry could cook up a " Bombadilicous stew!"

Thanks for the Thanksgiving card, Rose We had a lovely time with my family yesterday (wellll......., mostly lovely). I have a very touchy sister who managed to see an insult in a compliment that I was trying to give her. *sigh* Lord save us from people with chips on their shoulders. Fortunately, my sister-in-law and my cousin's wife did what they could to lighten the situation and it didn't end up spoiling the evening. Food was abundant and varied . The bonfire afterward was really nice too.

This morning hubby and I were out at a lookout before sunrise (while decent folk were still in their beds).:yawn: We shot some great photos. Brrrr - it was cold and that coffee afterwards went down really well. I'll post some or a link to his site after we have processed them.

Elvish costume is coming along nicely. Have one sleeve pinned into place, complete with a subtle border. My nocturnal tailoring did no harm *whew*. Will probably finish it today.
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I have found that it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. " Gandalf
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VIII
on: October 09, 2006 05:34
Have'nt posted in a couple of days and wow, its like reading a novel. lol

Tom: The kitchen is terrific. You did a real nice job. I love the cabinets.

MT: Who is the hunk with the beard in the Ren photo? I'd put him on my list any day! :naughty: Daily massage? Yes, yes.

Neenime: Glad you had a lovely Thanksgiving. Sorry about the misunderstanding with your sister. Those kind of things can sure turn a celebration sour in a hurry. I had a terrific time on Friday night and I'm looking forward to The Two Towers this Friday - yeah, and the food as well!

Rosie: The cards were lovely. Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness.

Vicarcat: What a treasure you are. Definitely a giver. Hate the fact that you are sleeping rough. But, the buggy mattresses, well there's nothing you can do but throw 'em out.

I've loved reading everyone's most embarrassing moments. I had one when my eldest son was quite small, only three (he's 34 now). Only this was turned into something quite special. At the time I was living in Nairn in Scotland (quite close to Kilravock, Scots). My son and I were standing in line at the local bank, when a very black man came in and stood behind us. It was very rare at the time, to see any coloured people in that area. My son, thumb in his mouth, looked him up and down and very politely said, "Does'nt your mommy make you wash." Dead silence in the bank, mom not knowing where to put herself. Then this lovely man, crouched down by my son, licked his finger, rubbed it on his arm and said, "See son, it just does'nt rub off." My son, suitably impressed, licked his own finger and tried, "Wow," was the only word he could come up with. What could have been a very awkward moment, resulted in lots of laughs from everyone. Wish more people were like that man.

Tapestries: I too have searched for patterns, but have not had any luck. My interests are crossstitch and quilts, but have not found any LOTR patterns out there.

Had a very quite Thanksgiving. Just the youngest son, myself and a ham. Lots of phone calls to the scattered family. Which is always good. I love the Skype program, get to see and talk with them in real time. Modern technology is the best!! :cheers:

Have a good Monday, everyone. Catch you all later.

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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VIII
on: October 09, 2006 11:11
Happy Thanksgiving Day to all Canadian FOF! :cheers: That was a beautiful greeting, Rose, thanks!

Brandywine, hope you had lots of fun outdoors with your hubby. I used to tag along hunting with my dad for the same reason. He seldom shot anything either and if he did, we ate it.

What a fun pic, MT! No wonder you love the Renfests with Rangers galore. Of course, they are not the REAL Ranger :heart:, but would do in a pinch.

Speaking of rangers, sounds like you could use one, Awelyn. You know, to do the heavy lifting, massages and so on. But seriously, I will keep you in my prayers.

Cat, hope you soon get a new and bug-free mattress. It isn't easy sleeping without one and you certainly deserve a good nights sleep with all the kindness and love you share.

A good Monday and hello to all my friends! :heart::love: :hug:
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VIII
on: October 09, 2006 04:08
A little late posting today, pushing the chances of an encounter with sister wildtongue. Could it be that deep-down I wouldn't mind such an encounter? Hmmm, could be. No paper posters for me!

I guess Tommy liked the party---he stayed until it was over before he called for me to come get him. It turned out that it wasn't the kind of birthday party he was used to going to, but a "quinceanera" or "coming out" that is celebrated by most Hispanics when a girl turns 15. (The girl is of El Salvadoran decent) In my experience, all Hispanics go all-out on things like that, and that party was no exception. He said he liked the El Salvadoran food, all except for some kind of macaroni and cheese thing that tasted strangely sweet. He was relieved that no one tried to get him to dance. I have told him that he will be doing himself an enormous favor if he will learn to dance, at least a little, but so far he is resisting mightily.

That's a terrific story about your small son and the black man, Jess. It's worthy of being written down so as to not be forgotten, it is.

I point my healing hands at southeast Missouri, Awelyn, and hope that my questionable healing abilities work well for you. Please continue to seek traditional medical help, just in case my compass was off, OK?

Please be careful traipsing around in the bush before sun-up, Neenime. You could find yourself taking one of those very long first steps or who-knows-what if your not careful.

Flying knickers, that's a good one, Rose. Do you think you might have gotten your keen sense of humour from your mother? (I got my Dad's very silly sense of humour)

Oh, MT. I think you're going to need a trip to the beach, a double-dose of vitamin "V" and, if at all possible, a motorcycle ride, my dear. You've been working too hard and are desperately low on fun and excitement. If I was there and it was permisable, I'd give you all you need, and then we'd see if you remember how to do CPR. Swabby
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VIII
on: October 09, 2006 11:15
I too was thinking of all my Canadian friends yesterday when it was your Thanksgiving Celebration. Rose, the pictures you put up were lovely.
Columbus Day was just another day in America in the job I have. Bankers may take all of the holidays but schools DO NOT.
It was a cold day and my children were red-faced, glowing little popsicles after their play at recess. You can't keep the energy of these young ones down. They are just full of life. Guess that's on of the reasons I love to teach.

We had a fellow in from a restoration company yesterday and it looks like we will be getting a remodel on the water damage that has been done by our leaky second story deck. We will have to get the deck fixed first of course. The roofing guy will be out our way sometime this week to give us an estimate and then we will have to decide how best to finance the project. Decisions,decisions! The insurance will pay for the inside damage but we must fix the overlying cause with our own money.

Had fun up in the foothills with the hubby on Sunday. It was refreshing to be out in nature again and smell the beautiful fall smells. He walked down a ridge while I waited at the bottom of the ridge to pick him up. He saw two coyotes and a baby rattle snake. The deer he saw were too close to civilization to shoot at. I read while waiting for him. Very pleasant afternoon!

Blessings to all. Have a pleasant Tuesday.:heart:
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Post RE: Fans over Forty ~ Part VIII
on: October 10, 2006 01:11
*squinches up eyes, purses lips, and takes the dues that must be paid for not posting with ill-disguised loathing. Cm'on, Grima, get it over with* EEUUWW

Okay, paid my dues, now on to a quick post. I've been hugely busy. Poor spousal unit; I hardly saw him yesterday. Up way early (talked to Brandywine early on MSN...we insomniacs need to stick together! :hug: ...then off to work. I got home just long enough to grab a quick sandwich and then off to class with me. Lastly I drug myself home, took a shower and went to bed. L-O-N-G day.

Old Tom, love the kitchen remodel! Your color choices are quite lovely. As soon as my particular job is *completely* done, I'll post a picture. Of course, that will be when the dratted countertops are done which won't be for awhile yet. I find it *fascinating* that the cause for the whole process in the first place--hideously horrid countertops--are the last thing to be completed. Oh, well. Such is life.

Well, must toddle off. Take good care.
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